How old is Francis Patton School?
Francis Patton School is 74 years old!
What is the first habit?
Be Proactive is the first habit!
Who were Francis Patton's 3 most recent P.E teachers?
Ms Sharpe, Mr Smith and Ms Lohan
Which Year 8 student is a champion scrambler rider?
A'Jahni Foggo!
What color did Francis Patton used to be ?
Francis Patton was blue.
What is habit 5 ?
Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Who is the P5 Teacher?
Mrs. Rudo!
Who won the 2024 FPS logo contest?
Ryu Lima
How many students are enrolled at Francis Patton?
There are 180 students currently enrolled at Francis Patton.
What is habit 3 ?
Put first things first.
Who is the Year 8 Science teacher?
Mrs. Weir!
Which teachers recently finished the 7 habits training?
Mrs. Bean, Dr. Ming, and Mr. Aberdeen
How many Principals has Francis Patton had in its history and who is the current Principal?
There have been 10 Total Principals including our current Principal, Mr Fox.
What is habit 8?
Habit 8 is Find your Voice.
Who is the para educator for P3 Marshall?
Mr. Leverock
Name 1 person who was chosen for the spelling bee?
Ja'Zhuria Pascoe Trott , Nia Cross, Arianna Parra Delgado
What is the name of the person Francis Patton is named after?
Francis Landey Patton!!!
What is the theme at Francis Patton?
Who is the Year 8 Social Studies teacher?
Mrs. Spring!
Who is very good with computers in Year 8?
Morris Lightbourne!