Common ending in days of the week
What is ようび?
What is birthday?
What is しゅみ?
What is がっこう?
Particle for 'with'
What is と ?
Friday in Japanese
What is きんようび?
The question word いつ
What is when?
しゅみは 何 ですか。
What is your hobby?
Particle used when talking about places you are going to
What is に?
くるま で
What is by car ?
What day of the week is it?
What is today is June 16th?
My hobby is sports
What is しゅみは スポーツです。?
What is I am going to town?
しゅうまつに かぞくと いきます。
What is I am going on the weekend with my family ?
What is the month?
きゃんぷは 土曜日と 日曜日 です。
What is the camp is Saturday and Sunday?
Mum's hobby is shopping.
What is おかあさんの しゅみは かいもの です。?
Where are you going?
What is どこに いきます か。?
でんしゃで ともだちと まちに いきますか。
What is Will you go to town by train with your friends ?
The last date in a calendar month in Japanese
What is さんじゅういちにち (三十一日)?
June 18th (Friday)
What is 六月 十八日 金曜日?
ろくがつ じゅうはちにち きんようび
どんな スポーツを しますか。
What is what kind of sports do you play?
I am not going to the beach
What is うみに いきません ?
How will you go to your grandma's house?
What is 何で おばあさんのうちに いきますか。?