Where was Prophet Muhammad born?
How many Surahs are there in the Quran?
What is the Qiblah?
Direction of the Kabah towards which one has to face to pray
What is Adhaan?
Call to Prayer
This is a pillar of Islam, a declaration of faith that affirms the belief in the oneness of Allah and the finality of the Prophet.
How old was the Prophet (pbuh) when he married Khadija (May Allah be pleased with her)?
What is the longest Surah in the Quran?
Surah Baqarah
Name of standing position in Salaah.
This Surah is a pillar of salaah, must be recited
Al Fatihah
How much Zakaat does a muslim have to give
What happened in the Year of sorrow?
His (pbuh) Uncle and Wife died
What does Bayyinah mean?
Clear Evidence
How many rakah in do we have to pray in a day in total?
What is the arabic name for a call to prayer?
The word "Zakat" Means what?
What was the name of the Animal that took the Prophet (pbuh) to Jerusalem.
Who compiled the Quran in the order we see today?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
What are the places where praying is prohibited?
Camel Stable
What is Takbiratul Ihram?
The first takbir in salaah
What is the first deed that a person will be accountable for on the day of Judgement?
His/her Prayer
What is Mi'raj?
Night journey to the Heavens
How do we know the Quran is not changed?
Allah says He has revealed the Quran and He will protect it (15:9).
Where did Allah tell the Prophet that Muslims should start making salaah?
In Heaven during Al-Mi'raj
The Key to Paradise is Salah, and the key to Salah is _________
The poor
The needy ( Masakeen)
Zakat Collectors
New Muslims
To Free Slaves
To pay of someone in debt
In the cause of Allah
The Traveller