Coastal Processes
Climate Change
Management Strategies
Byron Bay
NESA Verbs

What are the characteristics of constructive waves?

Formed by weaker winds

Low frequency, long wavelength 

Low wave height

Stronger swash than backwash 

Deposits sediment on the shore

Examples include calm days at the beach


Identify the main cause of climate change

Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. 


Identify ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of reestablishing vegetation

ADVANTAGES- natural, cheap, creates a habitat for animals, trees absorb carbon. 

DISADVANTAGES- sea levels will still contunue to rise, needs to be maintained, can be destroyed in the event of large storms.


Identify ONE positive impact of Tourism on the coastal environment in Byron Bay

Tourism encourages the local council to act on the issue of beach erosion 


What do you have to do to answer an 'identify' question?

Recognise and name


What are the characteristics of destructive waves?

Formed by stronger winds

High frequency, short wavelength

High wave height

Backwash is stronger than swash

Erodes segment from the shore

Examples include storms


Why are trees an important part of the carbon cycle?

Trees absorb carbon dioxide which helps to remove the amount of carbon dioxide in the air released from the burning of fossil fuels

Identiy ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of geotextile bags

ADVANTAGES- cheap, holds the sand in place and allows plants to be grown on top.

DISADVANTAGES- can be costly (machinery), will need to be maintained as they can be punctured


Identify ONE negative impact of tourism on the coastal environment in Byron Bay

More plastic pollution, dune trampling, more cars= greater emissions, housing pressures= more coastal developments

What do you have to do to answer an 'explain' question?

  • Relate cause and effect.
  • Make the relationships between things evident.
  • Provide why and/or how.

What is erosion?

Erosion is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.


What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change that was signed in 2016. The treaty covers climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. The Paris Agreement was negotiated by 196 parties at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference near Paris, France


Identify ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of rock armour

ADVANTAGES- absorbs wave energy, easy to maintain, long term solution. 

DISADVANTAGES- Rocks will need to be taken from elsewhere, adverse aesthetic, expensive, no vegetation.


When we did the car tally on our excurison which state did most people come from?



What do you have to do to answer an 'account for' question?

  • Account for – state reasons for, report on.
  • Give an account of –narrate a series of events or transactions.

Explain the process of longshore drift

Longshore drift occurs when. 

  1. Waves approach the beach at at an angle

  2. Sediment is carried up the beach at an angle with the swash (a rush of seawater that travels up the beach after the wave has broken). 

  3. The sediment travels with the backwash (when the seawater runs back towards the sea). The backwash travels down the beach in a straight line due to gravity. 

  4. The process continues and sediment moves along the beach.


Outline the effects of climate change on coastal environments

Sea level rise

Warming ocean temperatures

Ocean acidification

Increased likelihood of natural disasters- more frequent and intense storms



- Loss of habitat

- Loss of properties


Identify ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of building relocation

ADVANTAGES- Protects properties, no cost to council. 

DISADVANTAGES- Does not stop erosion, expensive for the home owner.


Identify TWO ways that climate change could impact tourism in Byron Bay

Beach erosion will make the beach less aesthetically pleasing and there will not be enough sand, tourists will prefer to go elsewhere.

Climate change and rising ocean temperatures may affect the level of biodiversity that is able to survive in our oceans. This will affect the businesses who run snorkelling tours etc. 

Climate change is affecting the timing and migration of whales which may tourists come to observe from June- October. This will affect the number of tourists but also the businesses that run whale tours.


What do you have to do to answer an 'analyse' question?

  • Identify components and the relationship between them.
  • Draw out and relate implications.

Provide THREE examples of coastal landforms formed through the process of deposition.


Sand bar


Sand dunes


Identify 3 coastal management strategies used to prevent coastal erosion

Reestablish vegetation cover

Sediment fence and formal beach access ways

Sand nourishment

Geotextile bags

Rock armour

Constructed sea wall

Building relocation


Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of a groyne

ADVANTAGES- Prevents sand from moving down the beach in the process of longshore drift to prevent erosion (e.g. Main Beach, Byron Bay)

DISADVANTAGES- Causes erosion on the other side of the groyne (e.g. Belongil Beach)


Define 'stakeholder'

A person with an interest or concern in something


What do you have to do to answer an 'assess' question?

Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size.
