Chap 1: Space conquest
Chap 2: American vibes
Chap 3: Dystopia
Chap 4: New humans

What does space tourism consist in?

It consists in allowing regular people to be able to fly to space for recreational purposes.


What do the letters "rap" stand for?

Rhythm and poetry.


Define the word "dystopia".

A dystopia is an illusion of the real society, it’s often scary, something we would not like to live. Usually, it is inspired by the real world and real concepts and elements, but these are extrapolated/exaggerated in order to warn people and to make them understand what they need to do.


Give at least 3 negative aspects of AI.

Makes people lazy, makes it easier for students to cheat, could make some jobs disappear in the future, is not always easy to detect, not mastered enough yet, not regulated enough yet...


Name all of the articles in English and say if they are definite or indefinite. 

Definite: The 

Indefinite: a/an + Ø


Whose 3 COEs' projects did we study?

Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.


What is a protest song?

It's a song that aims at denouncing or raising awareness on some issues, injustices or event.


Give at least 2 typical features of dystopia.

Surveillance, totalitarian regime, propaganda, censorship, restrictions...


Give at least 2 positive aspects of AI.

Helps workers to solve difficult problems, helps in research or medicine, makes it possible for workers to delegate some of their tasks, can sometimes help students if used right...


What is the difference between present simple and present be + ing?

You use present simple to talk about a habit, something that is always true. 

You use present be+ing to talk about an event that is happening right now, or the very near future.


What are the origins of space conquest?

Space conquest is linked to the cold war, which opposed the US to the URSS. Both countries wanted to be the first to send people to space.  


Give an example of a protest song, explain why it's a protest song.

Free answer.


Define "cautionary tale".

A cautionary tale is usually a piece of fiction that is meant to warn people about something, or to open their eyes on some situations.


What is Elon Musk's opinion on AI?

He thinks that we don't know enough about it and that we aren't able to use it correctly yet.


Name all 4 modal auxiliaries and classify them from least probable to most probable.

Can't - might - may - must


What is "American progress: Manifest Destiny"?

It's a painting that represents the colonization of America by British settlers. It shows how they thought they were chosen to bring democracy, culture and knowledge to native americans.


Give at least 4 roles of music. 

Entertainment, raising awareness, talking about an issue, allowing people to free themselves from their routine, protesting...


What is the book "1984" about?

It's about a man living in a totalitarian regime where people are basically prevented from thinking by themselves and brainwashed by the governement. But the main character will try to rebel.


What is Mark Zuckerberg's opinion on AI?

He thinks it can really help humans, make our life easier and should be used and studied more.


What is the difference between simple past and present perfect?

You use simple past to describe a finished or dated action. 

You use present perfect to talk about experience or an action that started in the past but still goes on/has consequences in the present.


 What is the link we made between "American progress: Manifest Destiny" and space conquest?

We must be careful not to reproduce the same mistakes and not let some governments think they are entitled to colonize and own space.


Give at least 2 elements that are really important in both rap and poetry.

Themes, language, rhythm.


Name a dystopian element that we studied which sounds like fiction but is actually real in China. Whats does it consist in?

The social credit system, which consists in giving people a score based on their actions and behavior. Their credit impacts their rights and freedom.


What can you say about Sophia, the human-like robot? 

It's a human-looking robot that features an AI system allowing her to blend in with humans. She can have conversations and remember them as well as the people she interacts with.


Give the adverb equivalents to all of the modal auxiliaries.

Might = possibly

May = probably

Must = certainly
