Dr McLean's first name
Who is Nathan?
When someone asks if we can go sell ads during the week before a deadline
What is "no, ask me next week when our spreads are submitted."
The middle of the spread where information gets lost
What is the gutter?
Why Salz doesn't ever know who's having a birthday or not
What is random dates all over the calendar?
Last day of exams
What is Friday the 20th
The Librarian's name
Who is Miss Laws?
When you have to do work and try
What is " we have to lock in today"
10pt times new Roman font
What is the body text?
Shattered phone outside
Who is Paisley?
First day back to school after Christmas break
What is January 8th
Best college team
When someone says they hate this class
What is "and I'm gonna go cry now"
What are sports titles?
Landed a back flip
Who is not Ethan?
What is "almost Friday"
Christmas movie where a really grumpy guy knocks Santa off the roof and becomes Santa and with his son Charlie.
What is "The Santa Claus?"
When someone asks about what camera lens they should get over and over?
What is "I'm not sure Braylon, depends on the camera."
Our Walsworth Advisor
Who is Carolyn?
Jaylen serenading us
What is blind karaoke? OR every other day?
place to eat after a basketball or football game
Christmas tradition/ game where people exchange silly or good gifts that can also be stolen
What is "white elephant" or "dirty Santa?"
When Salz notices that yearbook sales are down
What is "We need to make Instagram posts and tiktoks and posters TODAY"
Costs $200
What is a 1/2 page business ad?
Gross and scary
What is Jaylen's feet attacking everyone
What year was the school opened?
What is 1967