You should have at least one dominant photo.
Should all the other photos on a page be the the same size?
No. You should have photos of varying sizes.
What is a gutter?
A. The area down the center of a spread.
B. The area at the top of a page.
C. The areas at the top and bottom of a page.
D. Where my ball ends up when I go bowling.
A. The area down the center of a spread.
Big blocks of ________ are not the best way to tell stories.
If I'm given an assignment, I should not _______ about it.
The second thing you put on a page is dominant photo.
Does a collage of photos lead your eye through pictures in a comfortable way?
No, it is harder for the viewer to digest them.
All elements on a page should be:
A. Touching.
B. Have space to breath and not too close to each other.
C. Have different spaces between them.
D. None of the above.
B. Have space to breath and not too close to each other.
Creating content that students want to ______ will be better for everybody.
If I don't like an assignment I'm on, I should _________.
Do a good job to show I can do things I don't like, and then I will be trusted with a more important job.
A dominant photo should be fives times bigger than any other photo on the page.
What is a page spread?
A page spread is two pages, side by side, designed together as one page.
What can happen to text too close to the edge of a page?
A. It will look really good.
B. It will look really bad.
C. I has the potential to be cut off the page.
D. It can print the wrong color.
C. I has the potential to be cut off the page.
Traditional publications have a ________ at the top and a _______ below.
Headline. Story.
If I continually interrupt class, I am making things difficult for my _________.
Self and my classmates.
You should have more than one dominant photo.
What is an external margin?
It is the space between the edge of the page and type or pictures in the page.
Every spread should tell a:
A. Story
B. Lie
C. The truth
D. A reader what to think.
A. Story
If your headline isn't working, make on word ________.
If I eat in class I am make the _________ job more difficult.
The dominant photo should be the best photo you have.
What is an internal margin?
It is the space between type or objects on a page.
What makes a great story?
A. Something that happens all the time.
B. Something that happens once a year.
C. Something that never happened.
D. Kaleb sat in his own seat.
B. Something that happens once a year.
Headlines can use different ________ to make them exciting.
Fonts (or weights)
If I have difficulty uploading photos I should ________.
Ask for help, not complain about it.