Supervising & Tracking Children
Center Operations, Policies, & Procedures; Medication Administration & responding to symptoms of illness; Recognizing & responding to injuries & emergencies (Food Allergies)
Group Size Limits & Primary Caregiver Responsibilities; Safe Sleep Practices; Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome
Recognizing Child Abuse & Neglect; Center Discipline Policy; Implementing Center Release Policy
Evacuating the Center/Using Fire Alarms/ Emergency Procedures & Lockdowns

Children should be supervised using which two methods?

All children should be supervised by sight and sound. You should be able to see and hear the children at all times.  The only exception is potty trained/potty training children who can be supervised for a brief period by sound only. If you call their name; you should be able to hear them respond. If you are on the playground by yourself and a child needs to use the restroom (regardless of age), you will need to ask for help. Children can not be sent into the bathroom on their own. Blindspots should be limited throughout the classroom. If you have a blind spot in your classroom, the second teacher should be in that area. 


True or False; Request for Time-off forms should be turned in with at least 2 days notice

Time off request should be turned in with at least two weeks notice. The more notice you are able to provide, the better your chances are of getting the day.  This does not however mean that your request will be approved. Please check the calendar in the main office prior to requesting time off. If there are two or more names on the date that you are looking for it will likely not be approved. You may be put onto a waitlist for that day. Request for time off forms can be located in the copy room. 


What is the ratio of student to caregiver in a 3 year old age group?


Infant to 18mon: 1:4

18mon - 2 1/2 years: 1:6

2 1/2 years - 4 years: 1:10

4 year olds: 1:12

5 year old and up: 1:15

There is a formula provided by licensing to determine the ratio when the children fall into 2 or more age catagories.


True or False: If you would like to make a notification of child abuse or neglect you must first notify the administration of the school.


You do not need permission to call the hotline. Notification can be made anonymously. You do not need proof supporting your claim, suspicion of abuse or neglect is enough. 


How many minutes do you have to evacuate the building during a fire drill and what items from the classroom should you take with you. 

3 minutes; I-Pad, first-aid kit, classroom binder

The meeting spot for a fire drill is on the opposite side of the parking lot from the building in the grassy area.


When one classroom teacher is engaged in a small group activity, what should the other teacher be doing?

The other teacher should be walking through the learning centers and engaging with the children. This is a terrific opportunity to ask open-ended questions and learn what the children know. It also helps to put out fires and interrupt difficult behaviors before they escalate. 

Two teacher should not be doing a small group activity at the same time (unless you have a very small class and all of the children are seated at the tables) as this does not allow for the proper supervision of the children left in learning centers. 


True or False; Kiddie Academy suggests that children not bring any nut products to school; however if a children is sent in with a product containing nuts they can sit at a table by themselves to eat it.


Kiddie Academy is a nut free environment. If a child comes in with a product containing nuts it should be removed from the classroom promptly. A phone call should be made to the parents reminding them of the policy and letting them know that we will provide the child a substitute meal item.

Children with food allergies diagnosed by a pediatrician/allergist must have an allergy action plan completed and signed by the doctor.  Epi-Pens should be stored in the classroom in a locked cabinet that is labeled medication. The epi-pen will be put by the office in a labeled ziploc bag along with the prescription label, the medication administration form, and the allergy action plan. Allergy Action Plan (which include a photo of the child) should also be posted in the classroom along with the Allergy List. 


What are three of the criteria for the safe sleep policy?

Infant must be placed to sleep on their backs

A crib is the only location in which a infant may sleep

An infant who falls asleep in another location must be moved to their crib immediately

If an infant can roll over, the crib must have an "I Can Roll Over" label.

No additional items can be placed in the crib (infants may not be swaddled)

The crib must have a firm mattress and a tight fitting sheet.

Sleeping infants must be in the direct line of sight of a caregiver

Room temperature must be between 68 - 72 degrees. 


True or False: The time-out location for children at Kiddie Academy is under their cubbies.


Time out is prohibited at Kiddie Academy. We use positive re-direction. A copy of the policy is available for review if requested.


Name two locations of fire extinguishers and two locations of fire alarm pull stations

Fire extinguishers are located: in the main office hallway, in the hallway leading to the preschool playground, in the kitchen, and outside of the infant room.

Fire Alarm Pull Stations are located: in the main office hallway, in the infant room, in the blowfish room, near both playground doors, in the kitchen.


True or False; It is okay to sign children into Tadpoles when you remember as long as it's before breakfast is served. 


Children should be signed in and out of Tadpoles promptly as soon as they arrive or are picked up.  We use this log to determine when to schedule caregivers into the classroom. If you aren't signing children in timely, we may not know that your classroom is over ratio.  Parents also may request this information in cases of dispute between parents and for court.


True or False; Medication can be administered for one day only at the request of the parent without the medication form being completed. 

Any medication that is administered at the school must have a completed medication form.  All medication must be stored in the locked cabinet in the office, the only exception being and epi-pen, an inhaler, or medication for a seizure disorder. Fever reducing medications can not be administered without a note from a peditrician stating the reason (teething, pain from surgery, etc...). Temps will be taken prior to a fever reducer being given. All other medication must be in the original packaging, with the instruction label included. We can only give the medication for the indicated amount of time on the label. 


How often are sleep checks required? 

Sleep checks are required every 10 minutes. You must physically check on the child and document their sleep position in Tadpoles. A suggestion would be to get all of the sleeping children on the same sleep check schedule. Meaning if one child is due in 5 minutes and another is due in 7 minutes; check them both at 5 minutes so they are on the same schedule. Set a alarm on the I-pad for every 10 minutes.


True or False: Verbal permission is acceptable for notification of an alternate pick-up


If someone other than the child's parent or listed emergency contacts is coming to pick up a child the parent must complete an alternate pick-up form or email the school to make notification.


What are the two locations that we use as a temporary evacuation site in case of an actual emergency

Ivy Rehab (walking distance)

Reverand Brown School (driving distance)

*First Student bus company has been contracted to transport us in case of an emergency*


Where should teachers be stationed when the children are using the playground?

One teacher should always be stationed by the climber/slide. Any other teachers should be walking around and interacting with the children. Teachers should not be sitting while the children are actively playing on the playground. Teachers should not be at the fence chatting with the teachers on the other playground. The majority of accidents happen while the children are on the playground.


When and for which type of injury should a phone call to the parent be made when a child is injured. 

A phone call should be made within 5/10 minutes of any injury to the head. 

Accident reports are needed for all injuries sustained at Kiddie Academy.  They must be completed in their entirity (first & last name, age, ect...). Nothing on the form should be blank. The form should be signed by administration prior to the parents seeing/signing the report. Administration needs to know about all injuries that take place and signing the report ensures that they do in addition to allow them to review the report for correctness. If you are calling a parent for any reason, please make sure to tell the administration prior to making the call. 


A primary caregiver is needed for each child through the age of?

2 1/2

The primary caregiver must ensure that the needs of the children under their care are met. They do not need to provide all the care for their specific children, however they need to make sure that they have received everything they need.  The primary caregiver should make sure that all of the infant/child notes are updated in Tadpoles as they are completed. 

Primary Caregivers should be posted in the classroom. Licensing will look for this.


What should you do if a parent comes to the school to pick-up their child and appears to be under the influence?

The child is not released to the impaired individual

Attempts are made to reach the other parent or another emergency contact to pick up the child


If unable to make contact with another parent or emergency contact call the state registry number to seek assistance


True or False: The safest place to relocate the children during a shelter in place for a severe weather situation (tornado) is directly under the windows.


The children should be positioned in the classroom away from any windows.

If there is an immediate threat the children should be moved to the hallways, the blowfish classroom or the kitchen as they do not have any windows until the threat has passed.


Please name at least three times in which you should be doing Name to Face on Tadpoles

* When you arrive to any classroom (morning, after using restroom, after a break). 

* When the classroom is leaving the building & when the classroom arrives to their location

* When students are leaving for specials & when they return from specials

* Once you are at your safe location during a firedrill (a head count should be done as you are leaving the classroom) and when you return to the classroom after a firedrill


What is the technology policy at Kiddie Academy? 

Children under the age of two are allowed NO Screen time.  Children over the age of two are allowed 15 minutes of educational screen time per day. 

You can use a short educational video clip that goes along with your theme for the week. Videos should not however be used for transitional times (nap, lunch, end of the day) unless they are educational and go along with the theme and then would require a conversation about what they learned during the video.  

Kids yoga or exersize videos are allowed as long as a teacher is engaged with the children, this should however not replace outside time. 

Lots of good books can be found as read a louds. Those are fine, again as long as a teacher is engaged in the activity or at the very least is talking to the children about the book when it is finished.


True or False: When the licensing rep enters your classroom, you will only need to know the age of the youngest child in your classroom and the oldest?


You will need to provide her with the number of children in your care (immediately without hesitation; you can not count them). If you have a mixed age group you will need to tell her for example how many are 3 and how many are 4. She uses this number to calculate what the ratio is.


True or False: If the children are behaving exceptionally poorly it is okay to withhold outside time in the morning as long as they receive outside time in the afternoon.


Children must be provided outside time in the morning and in the afternoon as long as the weather is permitting. This is a licensing requirement. In addition the children need that time to release their energy, it may help them to behave more appropriately when they come back in.

Making threats to the children that you aren't able to follow through with defeats the purpose of what you are trying to do. 


True or False: During a Shelter-In-Place/Lock down for an outside threat of a dangerous person, the doors will be opened only for parents to enter the building


The doors to the building will remain locked until we are instructed by the local authorities that it is safe to open the building again. No one will be allowed to enter or exit the building (staff or parent)

Parents will be notified that we have been placed on lockdown and that our doors will remain locked until the threat has been deemed over. Parents will be asked to refrain from coming to the building as well.
