What is Anhydrous Ammonia
Colorless Gas with a strong odor.
11 hours
Move your eyes
Every 2 seconds
When do you wash you hands?
After any break, meal, smoking
It is the law to preform a Pre-Trip
Effects of Ammonia
Skin, Eye, Respiratory tract burns and blindness
Minute driving break
30 minute after 8 cumulative hours
Actions to consider
Other drivers
A way to keep produce temperature
Vehicle Break Downs Cause?
Customer Delivery Delays, High Repair Cost, Brand Damage
High level exposure can...
be fatal (kill you)
Driver Restart
May restart a 7/8 day period after taking 34 or more hours off duty.
What do you avoid
Driving distractions
Don't throw
Defect Identified on Road can...
Increase DOT scrutiny, Vehicle put OOS
Ammonia will freeze on contact with skin
On duty Limit
14 hours in a day
What to do when backing
Always at the bottom
Eggs, Chicken
Vehicle Incident can Cause
Lawsuits, Injuries, Customer delay,
What do you do if a person is exposed?
Call 911. Have them drink a lot of water.
How many big days do I get?
One every 7 days
Check mirrors
Every 8-10 seconds
Danger Zone
40-140 degree Fahrenheit
Improper Pre-Trip can Result in...
Loss of License, Jail Time, Fatalities