People & Writers
Main Ideas
Society Changes
Impressioning people
Where they believe there is no universal meaning of life and life in revealed through actions and decisions- meaning of life.
What is existentialism. think existence
A Czech born author who wrote the Trial and Castle depicting threatening situations that they can't escape or understand and talks about uneasy postwar years
Who is Franz Kafka
As a result of the war, women got to do what
vote and smoked, drove, andwore makeup in public, spokein favor of birth control, medicine, careers, etc.
He flew from NY to Paris in a 33 hour flight
Who is Charles Lindbergh
An art movement that linked the world of dreams to life and was often part of the unconscious and have a dream like perspective, representing objects in unrealistic ways . beyond or above reality
What is surrealism. think what's real and not
he was an American poet in England and he wrtoe about Western spiritual values, wasteland and deserted
Who is T. S. Eliot
What effect did it have on the world? Britain and France,and Scandinavian countries?
Britain was dependent on the U.S. and they passed high protective tariffs, increased taxes, and regulated currency, employment cut in half. France was more independent but thye had popular front where they passed reforms to help workers. Scans built recovery programs on cooperative community action, welfare benefits
Due to the rise of production and buying/selling of automobiles
More people traveled for fun and pleasure
The march to King Victor emmanuel II eventually puts mussolini in charge how
What is legally in a way and by force Il Duce
They were blamed for the crises from the war and humiliation. they took over where the national assembly met
What is the Weimar republic
Wrote :the Second Comin: mere anarchy is upon the world
Who is William Butler Yeats
Who and What plan did he have to help americans with the gd?
Franklin D Roosevelt along with the new deal to provide money to businesses and farms and to supply welfare and relief programs to workers and unemployed to get jobs
He was essentially in charge of the Nazis and earned iron crosses joined at Munich and was imprisoned
What is HItler fuhrer
where there were allianced parties but they didn't last long, because there were disputes and disagreements that arose
What is a coalition government
wrote Ulysses about three people in Dublin from Ireland (Freud theories_
Who is james joyce
he headed facism and rose to power due to inflation in Italy at the time, and they looked to him as guidance
Who is benito Mussolini
What made Germany's money and economy slowly decrease?
the mark went down due to over priniting of money to pay reparations to the Allies
What is living space
a militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and complete obedience to the leader
Demonstrated existentialism and was a leader of this. German philosopher and wrote about democracy, progress, and reason. values of pride, assertiveness and strengh
Who is Jean Paul Sartre and Friedrich Neitzsche
Italy goes where and Europe goes where/Japan
Italy attacks ethiopia to build a colonial empire in Africa like Britain and France, and Japan invades china due to starvation and expansion of land to make up for rising population
overproduction occurs and surplus in crops doens't allow farmers to sell and to receive compensation so what occurs?
Great Depression and the stock market crashes due to too much selling and not enoughing buying in shares
named hitler chancellor why and by who
they thought they could use hitler to their control and to do what they wanted. by Paul von Hindenburg