What happens to bread if yeast does not become active.
What is...
Bread will be flat, tough, dense, have no rise.
Main ingredient in bread, provides structure
What is flour
Name for stand mixer attachment used to knead
What is the dough hook
Leavening agent in yeast breads
What is yeast (which creates C02 gas when activated)
The first yeast bread we made in class
What is focaccia bread
Food for yeast.
What is sugar
Provides moisture
What is liquid (water or milk)
The protein found in flour
What is gluten
How much the dough should grow after rising
What is doubles in size
Leavening agents used in quick breads
What is baking soda, baking powder, and steam
Two most common liquids used to activate yeast
What is water and milk
Makes bread more tender and improves its keeping quality.
What is butter/fat
What divided means in a recipe
What is the ingredient does not get added all at once or all to the same part of the recipe
Rise given to the entire mass of dough before shaping
What is fermentation
Name of the shape of dinner rolls we made
What is cloverleaf
Name of yeast that does not need to be activated.
What is Instant or Rapid Rise Yeast
Type of yeast that needs to be activated before added to flour
What is Active Dry Yeast
How to test if bread is done being kneaded
What is poke it with your finger to see if it is elastic (springs back)
Final rise given to shaped yeast breads before baking
What is proofing
What butter is called when it is flavored with spices or herbs
What is compound butter
Temperature range that liquid must be to activate yeast.
What is 105-115*F
Improves flavor of bread and controls rate of yeast growth.
What is salt
Gluten that is overmixed becomes
What is tough (too strong)
The purpose of punching down dough
What is to release and redistribute carbon dioxide gas pockets
3 types of yeast breads other than what we made in class
What is... soft pretzel, doughnut, bagel, sourdough, sandwich bread, baguette, french loaf, etc.