Philosophy 101
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This ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle, wrote "The Republic," where he envisioned a just society.

Who is Plato?


This country, located on the Horn of Africa, is known for the ancient rock-hewn churches of Lalibela.

What is Ethiopia?


This philosopher declared "God is dead" in his work "The Gay Science," reflecting on the decline of religion in the modern world.

Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?


Drafted by the Magic, this Lakers legend finished his career playing for 6 teams total.

Who is Shaq?


This Spanish surrealist artist is best known for his painting "The Persistence of Memory," featuring melting clocks.

Who is Salvador DalĂ­?


This French philosopher is famous for the statement "Cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am."

Who is Rene Descartes?


The city of Timbuktu, famous for its historical significance as a center of learning and trade, is located in this West African country.

What is Mali?


"Give me liberty, or give me death!" was a statement made by this American Founding Father during a speech to the Virginia Convention.

Who is Patrick Henry?


This 4x All-Star with the Kings and Pelicans in the 2010's went on to play with the Warriors, Rockets, Clippers, Bucks, and Nuggets.

Who is Demarcus Cousins?


This 19th-century Russian author wrote "The Brothers Karamazov," a novel that delves into faith, doubt, and morality.

Who is Fyodor Dostoevsky?


Known for his theory of the categorical imperative, this German philosopher argued that morality is derived from rationality.

Who is Immanuel Kant?


The temple complex of Angkor Wat, one of the largest religious monuments in the world, is found in this Southeast Asian country.

What is Cambodia?


"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" is a famous quote from this philosopher's work, "The Social Contract."

Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?


This sixth man of the year with Charlotte in 1993-94 also played with Utah, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Toronto. This player is also the father of a modern day great. 

Who is Dell Curry?


This French sculptor created "The Thinker," a piece originally conceived as part of a larger work titled "The Gates of Hell."

Who is Auguste Rodin?


This philosopher's work "Being and Time" is considered one of the most important philosophical texts of the 20th century.

Who is Martin Heidegger?


This European country is home to the Dolomites, a mountain range known for its unique limestone formations and scenic beauty.

What is Italy?


"The medium is the message" is a concept introduced by this media theorist in his book "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man."

Who is Marshall McLuhan?


This 7x All-Star and 2x DPOY spent his prime with Charlotte and Miami, he then played with New Jersey for a season and a half, he then re-joined the Heat. 

Who is Alonzo Mourning?


This American modernist poet is known for "The Waste Land," a complex and fragmented exploration of post-World War I disillusionment.

Who is T.S. Eliot?


This British empiricist argued that the mind at birth is a "tabula rasa" or blank slate.

Who is John Locke?


Known as the "Land of a Thousand Hills," this African country is renowned for its mountain gorillas and the Volcanoes National Park.

What is Rwanda?


"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how" is a profound observation by this existential philosopher, later quoted by Viktor Frankl in "Man's Search for Meaning."

Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?

This multiple time Sixth man of the year winner crossed over between many teams. Chicago, New York, Golden State, Atlanta, Portland, LAC, Minnesota, Phoenix, and Brooklyn. 

Who is Jamal Crawford?


This English Romantic poet wrote "Don Juan," an epic poem that blends satire and social commentary with the story of a legendary seducer.

Who is Lord Byron?
