What is Yanna's favorite color?
What did Yanna major in during college?
What is Yanna's new favorite fast food restaurant?
What country was Yanna born in?
What is Yanna's nerdiest hobby?
What is Yanna's favorite band?
All Time Low
Where did Yanna work during college?
The Met / Live Nation
What is Yanna's favorite type of alcoholic drink?
Strawberry margarita
Where did Yanna vacation the most growing up?
Walt Disney World
How much does Yanna weigh?
105 pounds
What is Yanna's favorite restaurant in St. Louis?
La Catrina
In what month did Yanna (and Catie) adopt Hotdog during her sophomore year?
What soda is Yanna most addicted to?
What was Yanna's high school activity?
Appendix and left Achilles tendon
What is Yanna's favorite dessert that Amy makes?
Dirt pies
Who are two of Yanna's favorite friends from college?
Emily, Kevin, Graham, Kristen, Jake, Nives
What is Yanna's favorite dish that Catie cooks her?
Coconut chicken curry
Out of 296 classmates, what rank did Yanna graduate high school in?
Besides Fortnite, which video game does Yanna enjoy most?
Five Nights at Freddy's
Who is Yanna's favorite author?
V.E. Schwab
What street was Yanna (and Catie's) first college apartment on?
15th St
What gross food+drink combo made Yanna throw up as a child and swear off the food/drink forever?
Pineapple and strawberry milk
At birth
Does Yanna fold her arms right over left or left over right?
Left over right