"I hope you're pleased with yourself. We could all have been killed. Or worse, expelled."
After Professor Umbridge gives Harry detention for lying about Voldemort's existence, she makes him write this repeatedly (bonus - until how long did he have to write)
"I must not tell lies"
Bonus - as long as it takes for the message to sink in
This muggle-born was recognized as a witch by Severus Snape, before she ended up dating and marrying James
Lily Evans (Potter)
Voldemort's followers, who are identified by the dark mark, are called this
Death Eaters
This is the correct pronunciation of the levitation spell as said by Hermione
Wingardium Leviosa
"Not me. Not Hermione. You"
In Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, Harry asks Dumbledore what he sees in the Mirror of Erised, and he responds with this
This is the derogatory term for a muggle-born, that Hermione and others are called
Tom Riddle learned about Horcurxes by reading from the restricted section of the library and by seeking out this Potions professor about creating multiples
Horace Slughorn
The main ingredient in polyjuice potion, which allows you to temporarily transform into a person, is this
Hair (of the person you want to transform into)
"I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for."
Sirius Black
Professor McGonagall, head of house Gryffindor, teaches this class
Hermione's orange cat is named this
After Voldemort attempted to kill Harry, this happened which caused him to disappear for over 10 years
Ripped from his body/without a physical body & gave Harry his scar
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry uses this spell to battle Voldemort
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friend."
This character replaces Trelawney as the professor of Divination
Tom Riddle, in an attempt to rid the school of all muggle-born students, released a basilisk, killing this muggle-born student
Myrtle Warren (Moaning Myrtle)
Name all the Horcruxes
Tom Riddle's Diary, Marvel Gaunt's ring, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, Nagini, Harry Potter
Harry discovers this spell in the Half Blood Prince's potion textbook
"The wand chooses the wizard."
Garrick Olivander
A student learns how to levitate objects in this class
In rare cases, a person born from one magical parent who did not inherit their magical ability is referred to as this
To test the defenses around the Horcruxes, Voldemort used this character, forcing him to drink the emerald potion and leaving him to die in the crystal cave
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Snape is assigned to teach Harry this subject