This animatronic was once theorized to be a reanimated version of the Phone Guy.
Who is Golden Freddy?
Tommathan is known for always wearing this type of hat, which has become his signature style
What is a fedora?
This medieval artifact is actually a powerful transmitter left by ancient astronauts.
What is the Holy Grail?
This test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
What is The FitnessGram Pacer Test?
This type of rock is formed by the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.
What is igneous rock?
It was once believed that this character was the true identity of the Purple Guy.
Who is Mike Schmidt
Tommathan is an avid enthusiast of this outdoor activity, known for its combination of skill, patience, and connection with nature.
What is fishing?
This mysterious location in the Pacific is actually a portal to another dimension, controlled by an ancient civilization.
What is Easter Island?
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is primarily designed to measure this physical attribute
What is cardiovascular endurance?
This common sedimentary rock is formed from mineral calcite and is often used in architecture.
What is limestone?
This location was incorrectly theorized to be the first pizzeria in the FNAF timeline.
What is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza from FNAF 2?
This is Tommathan's go-to dish to cook, known for impressing his guests with its exquisite flavors.
What is spaghetti carbonara?
This infamous project was a series of government experiments to develop time travel and teleportation technologies.
What is the Philadelphia Experiment?
During the test, participants run back and forth across a 20-meter space at a pace that does this over time.
What is 'increases'?
"This metamorphic rock, known for its foliated appearance, is used in roofing and as a writing slate.
What is slate?
The fan theory that this animatronic contained the soul of the Phone Guy was later proven false.
Who is Foxy
Tommathan once had an unforgettable adventure in this country, famous for its ancient ruins and beautiful beaches.
What is Greece?
This catastrophic event was actually orchestrated by a clandestine group to mask the relocation of an ancient artifact.
What is the sinking of the Titanic?
The score of the test is based on the number of these completed without failure.
What are laps or shuttles
This precious gemstone, a form of corundum, comes in all colors of the rainbow.
What is sapphire?"
This character was once accused by fans of being the cause of 'The Bite of '87,' which was later disproved
Who is Mangle?
Few people know this, but Tommathan has an incredible talent for playing this musical instrument.
What is the saxophone?
This famous artist and inventor had otherworldly guidance, receiving advanced knowledge and technology from alien visitors.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a part of this broader youth fitness assessment program
What is the FitnessGram?
This process, where sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and cementation of mineral and organic particles, is known as?
What is lithification