Interview Skills
Dress for Success
Work Maturity Skills
Getting the Job
Keeping the Job

How do you professionally greet your interviewer?

Shake their hand and tell them your name.


Does your appearance/hygiene matter when going to a job interview?

YES!!! Make the best impression possible by being clean, well-groomed, and dressed professionally.


This means you arrive on time, or a bit early, each day:



What time should you arrive for your job interview?

Early! 10-15 minutes prior to the start time is best.


What can you do to show your employer you are a team player?

Take initiative, pitch in, take action without being asked first, follow through on your commitments.


How might you answer the prompt:
"Why are you interested in working for our business?"

Share your interest in the field, share information from what you know about the company or specific position.


Is it important to dress professionally when you are picking up an application?

Yes, first impressions make an impact.


This means you work well with other coworkers:

Team player


Do employers look at your social media posts as a way of screening employees?

Yes, be sure your social media posts are appropriate for a future boss to see.


Should you ask for help if you are confused about a task at work?

Yes! Always ask for clarification rather than making a mistake.


How would you answer:

"Tell me about your most rewarding accomplishment"

Share a personal story or example with details about something you are proud of.


What are three examples of clothing you should NOT wear to a job interview?

Flip flops, ripped jeans, graphic T-shirt, hoodie, pajamas, slippers, tank-top, revealing clothing.


This means you are clear when you talk or write to a coworker, and also listen to understand others:

Good communication

How can you continue to use social media without potentially scaring off future employers?

Be appropriate online, or adjust your privacy settings so ONLY friends can see the content you share.


What should I do if I see a coworker stealing?

Report it to your supervisor.

How would you answer:

"Why should we hire you?"

Talk about the strengths and skills you bring to the position - be specific!


What are physical traits you should "wear" to an interview?

Good eye contact, firm handshake, good manners.


This means people you work with know they can ask you for help and you won't let them down.

Reliable, dependable


How do you know if you have the skills needed for the job you want to apply for?

Research what skills and experience the job listing requires and make sure you have the appropriate skills/experience needed before applying.


How do you build good relationships with your coworkers?

Work together, offer them help when they need it, show support by being friendly.


How would you answer:

"What do you think it takes to be successful in this position?"

Talk about the skills the company is looking for that you can contribute! Do research about the company beforehand to be sure.


What is something you should bring with you to an interview?

Your resume!


This means you have strong computer and tech device skills:

Tech savvy


Describe two things that an employer will do, after you have interviewed but before they call to offer you a job. 

Call to check your references and call your past employers 


Showing up on time to work is important, but what should you do if you are running late?

Call your supervisor right away and keep them updated.
