Who is the newest agent to come to Valorant
Who recently just won Masters Bangkok
Who is the MVP of our most recent winning season
Who recently just made a 1v4 clutch in the premier grand finals that basically won us the tournament
What is the most recent map rotation as of March 4th 2025
- Abyss, Bind
+ Ascent, Icebox
Deadlock has been reworked in V25 Act 2, How much did the net radius get reduced by
3 Meters
16-13 Meters
Who won MVP of Masters Bangkok
What was our regular season record this season
Which match in premier did we come back from 8-12 down
Fracture (gurt went clutch mode)
What was the map rotation that occurred at the beginning of the 2025 season
+ Lotus, Fracture
- Sunset, Ascent
Name all the aspects affected by the Waylay stun
Slows down movement of:
Fire speed
Reload speed
Recoil Recovery time
Movement speed
Jump Speed
Equip time
Champions 2023 and 2024 had Chinese teams massively upset their group stages and make it to playoffs
What teams were they?
Bili Bili Gaming (2023)
Trace Esports (2024)
Name the scores of all 3 premier playoff matches played
Pearl: 13-10
Haven: 14-12
Lotus: 13-10
What was that one really dumb question Ava asked about male anatomy
Whats the difference between circumsized and castrated?
Name the Map based on the rework:
- Made the A site wall 90 degrees with a new box
- Opened up one of the sites and added a box near the chokepoint
- Opened up the side wall to the entrance of B site
- Completely reworked a pillar on site to not allow you to pass under
Who is the most buffed agent and also the most nerfed in Valorant History based on raw numbers and changes alone
- Snakebite used to not apply a vulnerable affect
- Wall and orb used to not add a decay affect
- Energy decay used to be significantly faster
Then energy decay got halved, decay affect added, vulnerable affect added
Then got nerfed like this:
- Now only one snakebite charge
- cant pick up the orb
- Ult is now 9 points
- Energy decay got doubled
- Duration of Pit when outside of it got nerfed by 80%
Who is the only player in VCT history to have won back to back MASTERS events
Other than gurt, who is the highest rated player on Tim's personal player rankings list for this season of premier
Cloud (77/100)
Quinn Recently in ranked defused in a ranked game on lotus whilst 2 people were shooting at him and won the game
What was the score of the match before this round?
Name the map based on the rework:
- Removed a wall-bangable box and added a jump up box instead
- Reworked the boxes around the default plant to where you can see spawn from the default plant
- Added a window to throw utility through
- Opened up an alley way where an ult orb is present
Name all of the COMPLETE ability reworks in Valorant History
Yoru: Added clone ability
Deadlock: Net moved to signature ability
Phoenix: Flash moved to signature ability
In Champions 2023, this group was considered "The group of death"
What teams were in this group
Rank Everyone on the Premier team in order from highest average KD to lowest (LAST SEASON IN PREMIER ONLY) (This has nothing to do with how well they played for the most part)
Gurt: 1.33
Tim: 1.08 (This is cosmetic)
Cloud: 1.01
Quinn: 0.95
Caden: 0.87
Pengu: 0.73
Who recently (within the last month) in ranked made gurt nearly crash out so incredibly hard after not pushing up to help quinn in a retake scenario on split
Name the map based on the rework:
- Removed an entire entryway to A site
- Extended a sightline to be able to see the A site from a higher angle
- Removed a jump up box on the B side of the map
- Massively opened up an entryway on the B side of the map