Whats my Dad's name
What City do i live in
What was my xbox/fortnite username
the NBA goat
supercell game ive played the most in my life
clash royale
What's my mom's name
How many people live in my house
Indie game I hate that Charles and Ethan love
Hollow Knight
youtuber i watch the most
what teacher at jesuit was my homeroom for 2 years
ms pell
what was the first pet I ever had
a fish
How many animals live in my house
Name all 4 consoles ive owned
xbox, ps5, switch, steam deck
my favorite kanye album
late registration
which teacher has taught me for 3 years at jesuit
jeff the jew
What character in the Bible does my grandma share a name with
how many different locations have I lived at in my life
What game do I have the most hours on (PS5)
name of i cant goon guy
nautica malone
how many uncles and aunts do i have
What college did my grandpa teach at (not Michigan)
UC Berkely
what relative lived in my house for 4 months last year
my grandpa
first ever videogame I ever played on my ipad
Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga
player from the 2013 49ers whose jersey I own
what did my roomate at kairos do on his phone every night
gamble his 1 free daily dollar on stake.com