Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion

This happens when the forces on an object are unbalanced and there is a net external force.

What is acceleration or change in motion?


You run into a wall while skating and you bounce off. This is an application of this law.

What is Newton's 3rd law?


A car is easier to push than a bus. This is an example of which of Newton's Laws?

What is Newton's 2nd law.


A 900 N person is pulled up on a rope with 1200 N of force, leading to this net force on the person.

What is 300 N of force upwards?

This is the natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they're doing.
What is Inertia

An object that is launched beyond the solar system and other object's gravity needs this force to maintain its velocity.

What is no force, or what is inertia (not a force)?

You are thrown off the front of a 4 wheeler when it runs into a fence. This is an example of which law of motion?
What is Newton's First Law.

This is the amount of matter in an object, or a measure of its inertia?

What is mass?


Two students each push a car with 300 Newtons of force against 250 Newtons of friction, leading to this net force. Also, I need a force diagram for this.

What is 350 N?


Fnet = M * A, the three quantities represented by the letters stand for:

What is force, mass, and acceleration?


During car accidents where a driver doesn't wear a seatbelt, a driver flies forward though the car stops, all because of this.

What is the inertia of the driver? (No unbalanced force causes this - the driver has no force in the horizontal direction).


You left your book on a desk in Mr.Yeung's room and it is still there the next morning. This is an example of which type of equilibrium?

What is static equilibrium?


This is the measure of gravitational attraction, which depends on the amount of mass as well as distance between objects. 

What is weight?


A 250 net force on an object leads to an acceleration of 5 m/s^2 because the mass of the object is ______. 

What is 50 kg?

In the equation, Fg = mg, what do the three variables each stand for? 

What is 1) weight or force of gravity 2) mass 3) acceleration due to gravity on earth's surface


When a person is pushing a box on a rough surface at a steady velocity, these two words can describe the situation. 

What is "dynamic equilibrium" or "balanced forces"?


A skydiver weighing 800 Newtons encounters an air resistance of 600 Newtons while falling, resulting in this net force. I'd like the free body diagram for this too. 

What is negative 200 Newtons? OR What is 200 Newtons downward?

Every action has an _______ and ____________ reaction.

What is equal and opposite?


Mr.Yeung applies a small force to a 30 kg cart. If there are no other forces on the cart, and the cart accelerates at 6 m/s/s as a result of the force, this was the size of the force applied by Mr.Yeung

180 Newtons


When you can say that Fnet = ma is also equal to Fg = mg.

What is, "when the only force acting on an object is gravity"?


When a person pushes a box on a rough surface, but then stops pushing so the box slows down, there are two words to describe why the box slows down

What is "unbalanced force"? (Friction)


During a head on collision between a truck and a scooter, the scooter flies farther than the truck, which can be explained by this rearrangement of Newton's 2nd Law

What is acceleration = Fnet / mass?


This is the weight of a 40 kg object on the moon, where gravity's acceleration is 1.7 m/s^2

What is 68 Newtons?


In experiment 1 James applies a constant force of 200 N to a small toy cart that has a mass of 40 kg. Later, in experiment 2, Jayden applies a force of 100 N to the same toy cart. In both cases, assume that there is no friction acting on the rolling carts. What is the acceleration of the cart in EXPERIMENT 2.

What is 2.5 m/s/s ?
