Define Sin.
What is the Sacrament of Baptism?
-Typically gone through as a baby, wearing white
-Holy Water is poured over the head
-I believe in one God, and renounce Satan
-Welcomed into the Catholic Church
Who is Blessed Mary?
-Mother of Jesus
-Mother of the Catholic Church
Explain the story of Christmas.
Answers may vary.
How many Commandments are there, and name one?
-Answers may vary.
Eucharist vs. Liturgy
-Eucharist: we eat the Body and Blood of Jesus
-Liturgy: we read stories from the Bible
What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?
-Typically gone through in 8th grade
-Your choice to continue being Catholic
-Holy Oil is placed on forehead
-Power of the Holy Spirit guides you and is within you
Who is St. Joseph?
-Father of Jesus
-Patron saint of carpentry and workers
Explain the story of Easter.
Answers may vary.
What is Jesus' Great Commandment?
-Love your neighbor as thyself!
-Treat others how you want to be treated!
Define Rosary.
The Rosary is a special devotion to Mary. It is a necklace of beads that we use to pray the Hail Mary several times.
What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
-Men become priests
-Women become nuns
-They are married to Jesus
-Commit their lives to serving God
Who is St. Patrick?
-Patron saint of Ireland
-British slave that escaped and later returned to Ireland
-Drove the snakes out of Ireland
-Taught about the Holy Trinity using a clover
What is Lent?
-40 days before Easter
-Starts with Ash Wednesday
-People give up something to honor Jesus' sacrifice
-Jesus suffered in the desert for 40 days without food and water, and was tempted by the Devil
Apostles: 12 of Jesus' closest friends. They were the first ones to spread the Good News of Jesus
Disciples: we are all Disciples of Jesus. We all live by Jesus' teachings.
Define Eternal Life.
Eternal Life is happiness with Jesus forever in heaven with God.
What are the 3 Sacraments of Initiation?
1. Baptism
2. First Communion
3. Confirmation
Who is the Patron Saint of art?
St. Catherine
True or False....Valentines Day is named after a Saint.
What is Prayer of Petition?
-We ask for God's help for others and ourselves.
Define Creed.
What are the 2 Sacraments of Service?
1. Holy Orders
2. Matrimony
Who is St. Matthew?
-One of the 12 Apostles
-Gospel writer
-Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her if she would carry God's son
-Mary said YES!
What is the Holy Trinity?
1. God: the father
2. Jesus: human version of God
3. Holy Spirit: ghost version of God
-All 3 are the same person