What is the largest delegation in CA?
Culver Palms Family YMCA (CPY)
What are the three branches of government?
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
how many states participate in Y&G within 2
all 50
What is the term for a piece of legislation submitted by a delegation?
A bill
What do bees collect and use to make honey?
Who stepped in as Youth Governor and what was their former position?
Briana Alagba, Secretary of State
Who was the president for the majority of WW2?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
what was the company's name in charge of security at SAC
Members in Black (MIB)
What is the title given to someone advocating for or against a bill during committee hearings?
How many bones are in the adult human body?
What happens to a bill that passes both houses of the legislature in Y&G?
It gets sent to the Youth Governor
Who is considered the "Father of the Constitution" in the United States?
James Madison
what state hosted the first Y&G Program
What is New York
What is the name of the convention center that Y&G met in at Sac?
SAFE Union Convention Center
What year did the Titanic sink?
Who were the winners of the big three positions and thie delegations?
Violet Chin (SPASM), Kayla Ring (westside), Molly Stout (DVY)
What is gerrymandering?
The practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections
Who were the three panelists for Bill Hearing Night? officers cant help!
Kad Smith, Simelia Rogers, Sherry Smith
How many delegates are in the Berkeley Delegation, how many were at SAC?
What is 146, 126
Who won the first season of American Idol?
Kelly Clarkson
Name every program area in alphabetical order
Appellate Court, Board of Ed, CA Investment Bank, Constitutional Convention, DOF, Forum, ICON, Legislative Houses, Legislative analysts, lobbyists, media, National Assembly, special interest committee, Supreme Court
What is the term for the process by which citizens can propose laws or constitutional amendments by petition?
What is the number of delegates in the east bay cluster within 5?
Who were the runner-ups for Youth Governor, Secretary of State, and Chief Justice?
Who holds the record for the most home runs in Major League Baseball history?
Barry Bonds