Dog History & Origins
Dog Health Facts
Caution-Canine Chatter
Dogs as Mascots
Tail Waggers
A great hunter blessed with tenacity & patience, this breed was loved by Cleopatra. A true to life statue of it was found in King Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922.
What is the Ibizan Hound?
A dog's heart beats faster than a human. On average how many beats per minute is that?
What is 120 times per minute?
What percentage of dogs in the US are spayed or neutered?
What is 78%?
What breed of dog is the mascot of the University of Tennessee? Do you know his name?
Who is "Smokey", a blue tick coonhound.
Besides "Scardy Cat", what is term for fear of dogs?
What is Cynophobia?
Developed in Wales in the 1800's from badger, fox and otter quarrying stock this small non-shedding terrier was registered by AKC in 1911.
What is the Sealyham Terrier?
Many foot disorders in dogs are simply an issue of what?
What are long toenails?
Who was the first person known to write about dogs?
Who was Homer? Dogs were mentioned many times in the Odyssey.
Gonzaga University in Washington State has this breed as their mascot.
What is a Bulldog?
Sir Winston Churchill's favorite dog Rufus was what breed of dog?
What is a poodle?
A humble herdsman and drover's dog related to the Komondor of Central Europe. This breed appears in portraits by artist such as Gainsborough in 17771.
What is the Bearded Collie?
Do dogs have sweat glands? If so, where?
What is between their pads on the paw?
The first dog law or dog licensing tax in the world was enacted in 1598. Can you name the country?
What is Schweinfurt, Germany?
Texas A & M is possibly the only school to have chosen this breed. Name it.
What is a Collie?
When the 1961 Disney cartoon film One Hundred and One Dalmatians was made, how many spots did the artists have to draw?
What is over six million?
In the 16th century this breed was know as a dwarf spaniel. It was a very expensive dog available to noblemen & kings. Madame de Pompadour had two of them.
What is a Papillion?
What organ do only humans and dogs have?
What is the prostate.
This breed is the only dog known to "blush" when it's happy or excited. Name it.
What is the Pharaoh Hound?
Moravian, the 6th oldest college and first school to educate women chose this breed as their mascot. What breed?
What is the Greyhound?
Barking Sands Beach in Kauai, HI was named for a famous dog that lived nearby. TRUE or FALSE ?
What is False? It was named for an unusual dry sand that "squeaks or barks" like a dog.
One of the longest living breeds and generally considered the smallest breed it was discovered in the mid 19th century in what country. Name it and it's country.
What is the Chihuahua and Mexico?
What was prescribed by the University of PA animal behavior clinic for depressed dogs?
What is Prozac?
Dogs are so much thought of that an outstanding number are named as primary beneficiaries in their owners will in the US. How many do you think there are?
What is one million?
Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon has a "big approach to mascots". What breed did they choose?
Who is "Buddy" a Newfoundland weighing in at 152 lbs.
Were there any canine survivors when the Titanic sunk?
What is only three small dogs that were carried to safety? At least nine others perished in kennels.