This is the year that the first vision occurred.
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
The Princess Bride
This is the number of keys on a piano.
This was the year that the U.S. declared independence from England.
Woman murders woman for a pair of sparkly shoes.
The Wizard of Oz.
This is the scripture that prompted Joseph to go into the grove to pray.
James 1:5
"Man, this would be so much easier if I wasn't color-blind."
These are the instruments used in a four-piece string quartet.
He was the first president of the United States of America.
George Washington
Bullied kid with birth defect prooves people are only nice to you when they need something.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
These names for the young women classes were retired in October of 2019.
Beehive, Mia Maid, Laurel.
"Do those chickens have talons?"
Napolean Dynamite
This is the theme song for the Lego Movie.
Everything is Awesome!
Because of its unique dual role as state and republic, this state can legally secede from the United States of America.
Elderly man steals baby and raises him in a sweatshop making toys.
This is the number of men who have been President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
"I feel the need, the need for speed!"
Top Gun
This band, whose first album was entitled "Night Visions," asks us to visualize serpents with their band name.
Imagine Dragons.
Utah became a U.S. Territory in 1850, but before that, Saints called it this. (It is also the name of a honey bee according to the Book of Ether.)
Woman throws tantrum and nearly kills sister, but fixes everything with the power of hugs.
The current number of temples. (Including in operation, under construction or renovation, or planning and design.)
"Hey! Dragon, Dra-gon, not a lizard. I don't do that tongue thing."
These are the four parts of a traditional four-part harmony in singing.
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass.
The Bill of Rights, ratified on December 15th, 1791, contains how many constitutional amendments?
Young boy hides illegal immigrant when he is being chased by the feds.