Exposure Injuries
Environmental Hazards

Describe the effects and treatment of hypothermia.

Effects: first noticed when a person is shivering and cannot stop. 

• Slurred speech or mumbling • Slow or shallow breathing • Weak pulse • Lack of coordination • Drowsiness or very low energy more than just normal tiredness • Confusion or memory loss • Loss of consciousness

Treatment: Try to get them as warm as possible by layering them with jackets or blankets, getting them to shelter, and replacing any wet clothing with clean, dry layers. Warm food or drinks, even warm water, will also help the process.


Describe the defensive measures taken to protect against poison ivy and poison oak.

Wear long pants.

Wash all of your clothing and boots after suspected contact.

Check the area you are in thoroughly before hiking through or setting up a camp.


Describe and demonstrate minimum camping impact.

The goal of minimum impact camping is to leave behind no trace that you used or passed through a wilderness area. 

By acting responsibly and taking a few precautions, you can leave a campsite or a trail in the same natural condition for the next person to enjoy.


Describe three different types of maps.

1) Political maps show countries, providences, states, or other political borders. 

2) Street and road maps are also used for navigation but are more likely to assist drivers than those participating in land navigation. 

3) Statistical maps show statistical information like production levels of crops or minerals throughout a country. 

4) Relief maps are raised topographical maps. They are built to show a three-dimensional view of the mapped area. 

5) Orienteering maps are used for the sport of orienteering, similar to topographical maps but includes features such as different types of vegetation, forbidden routes, and first aid posts.


To help spread our drug-free message, the Young Marines have two key programs we participate in. What are they?

Red Ribbon Week and our Red Cord Initiative.


Describe the effects and treatment of frostbite.

Effects: This happens when soft tissues such as your fingers and toes begin to freeze.

• Cold skin and a prickling sensation in the affected area • Numbness • Red, white, bluish-white, or grayish-yellow skin • Hard or waxy-looking skin • Clumsiness due to joint or muscle stiffness 

Treatment: You should first treat frostbite by slowly rewarming the area.


Describe the defensive measures taken to protect against insects.

Steer clear of any nests.

Always use insect repellant. 

Wear protective clothing.

Tucked pants into your boots to avoid insects crawling up your legs. 

Avoid dark colored clothing because this can attract insects.


Describe and demonstrate care for pristine environments.

If you are walking in a pristine area, take a slightly different route than the person in front of you so you do not make a permanent trail. 

Traveling in smaller groups of between four and twelve people will also help to minimize trail damage.


Describe how to care for a map.

• Place your map in a clear, plastic cover or bag or permanently laminate it. 

• If it gets wet, be sure to dry it completely on a clean, flat surface before storing it. 

• Avoid opening your map fully in a strong wind to prevent tearing. 

• Use only pencil to mark your map and erase all markings gently when finished. 

• Store maps in a dry place rolled, folded, or laid flat


National Red Ribbon Campaign began after the death of a DEA Special Agent, who gave his life fighting against drugs and drug-trafficking and was killed in Mexico in 1985. What was his name?

DEA Special Agent Enrique “KiKi” Camarena


Describe how to protect against heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Always be sure to wear the proper clothing to keep yourself covered and cool. Drink plenty of water or sports drink to keep yourself properly hydrated. Most importantly, be aware of the signs your body is sending you.


Describe the procedure for addressing tick bites.

DO NOT pull it out. Pulling on a tick can cause the head to break off and remain buried in your skin.

Instead, alert an adult who will help you to remove the tick using tweezers and sterile supplies.


Explain where to dump wastewater and what areas to avoid.

When cooking, avoid dropping or draining food on the ground in your cooking area. Waste water from cooking, when cooled, should be evenly distributed across the ground away from the cooking area and campsite. 

Don’t dump wastewater into ground water.


Identify the two scales used on topographical maps.

1:50,000 and 1:250,000


What are the dates of Red Ribbon Week?

October 23-31


Explain the two main ways of telling if you are dehydrated.

Symptoms include extreme thirst, headache or dizziness, and dark-colored urine.


What do you do if you come in contact with poison ivy or poison oak?

Be sure to wash the exposed area with a lot of warm water and soap within twenty to thirty minutes of exposure to melt the oily resin from your skin.


Describe the dimensions of a field latrine.

A field latrine should be a hole about four feet long, two feet wide, and four feet deep.



Define a map scale of 1:50,000.

A map scale of 1:50,000 means one centimeter (cm) on the map equals 50,000 centimeters (cm) on the ground.


Explain why the Young Marines participate in Red Ribbon Week.

To spread awareness for the dangers of drugs to ourselves and our communities.


Name two methods to help avoid being struck by lightning.

• Get out of any water immediately or move away from larger bodies of water. 

• Avoid hilltops or open fields. 

• Stay away from tall, single trees and towers or poles. 

• Crouch down as low as you can with your feet close together. 

• Try to place yourself in an enclosed shelter.


If bitten by a tick, how do you know it's infected?

Monitor the area closely over the next few weeks looking for a red, bullseye rash. This could signify you have contracted an infection from the tick and need to seek medical attention immediately.


Explain the restrictions on latrines or cat holes AND washing sites.

Latrine: at least 100 yards from a ground water source, on dry ground, in a location downwind from your campsite and cooking area, and off trails and roads.

Washing Sites: Carry water at least 200 feet away from the water source you took it from and use small amounts of biodegradable soap. Wash using a basin and cloth, both yourself and dishes, and then scatter the water away from other water sources.


What type of map is this?

Topographical Map


Explain the Young Marines red cord initiative and how it promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.

Our red cords are made of red 550 paracord. The color red represents the red ribbons used by the Camarena Club to remember and honor Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. The 550 paracord shows our connection to the military and our core values of leadership, teamwork, and discipline. 
