US History
Healthy Foods
Emer. Situations

Recite the Young Marines Obligation.

From this day forward, I sincerely promise, I will set an example for all other youth to follow and I shall never do anything that would bring disgrace or dishonor upon my God, my Country and its flag, my parents, myself or the Young Marines.

These I will honor and respect in a manner that will reflect credit upon them and myself.

Semper Fidelis.


Explain the meaning of good citizenship.

Can be an opinion answer.

As United States citizens, we believe in living peacefully with one another by respecting the rights of others and accepting others’ cultures, customs, and traditions regardless of their place of birth. Because we have pledged our allegiance, we also believe in protecting our country and our way of life against all enemies, foreign or domestic. We believe in taking care of one another: the strong should help the weak, and the rich should share their wealth with the poor.


Name 4 exercises that target the physical fitness component: Cardiorespiratory endurance.







Name 4 healthy and 4 unhealthy foods.

Healthy: Fresh meats, apples, carrots, lettuce, peanuts, almonds, whole grains, etc.

Unhealthy: Candy, cakes, cookies, chips, processed foods, etc.


Explain the chain of command for emergency situations.

Make sure to go to an adult anytime there is an emergency situation that might require CPR or first aid.


List 4 qualities of a strong team member and team player.

• Always be reliable. 

• Communicate with their team members and leaders. 

• Do more than is asked of them. 

• Be flexible. 

• Be committed to the team. 

• Obey the Young Marines Code of Conduct and the Young Marines Creed.  


Name 5 responsibilities of citizens.

• To support and defend the Constitution 

• Stay informed of any issues affecting your community 

• Participate in your community by voting and volunteering 

• Obey all federal, state, and local laws 

• Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others 

• Help others in your community 

• Pay taxes (when you’re older) 

• Serve on a jury (when you’re older) 

• Defend the country if need be and if you feel called to do so.


Name 4 exercises that target the physical fitness component: Muscle Strength 



Calf raises 

Step ups 

Sit ups 


Push ups 

Exercises with weights


What would you look for on the nutrition label to classify a food as healthy or unhealthy?

• Serving size. 

• Calories (avoid food choices that are over 400 calories in one food item). 

• Type of fats (choose foods that have no saturated fats or are very low). 

• Carbohydrates (this is where you check on the whole grains in your foods). 

• Sugar (choose foods that are low in natural and added sugars). 


Name 5 Warning Signs of a Medical Emergency.

• Trouble breathing 

• Chest pain 

• Fainting, sudden dizziness, or feeling weak 

• Sudden blurred or spotty vision 

• Changes in mental state such as confusion, drastic changes in behavior, or sudden drowsiness 

• Any sudden or severe pain 

• Bleeding that won’t stop 

• Severe vomiting or diarrhea 

• Coughing or vomiting blood 

• Unusual stomach pain


List 4 qualities of a strong leader.

• Understanding of each person on their team. 

• Able to make the tough decisions. 

• Concerned with the well-being of their team. 

• Accountable. 

• Confident. 

• Honest. 

• Inspiring. 

• Positive.


Provide a short history of the U.S. Flag.

The official flag of the United States was established on June 14, 1777 by the Continental Congress. 

It is supposed to have been designed by Congressman Francis Hopkinson, and many historians believe that Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress, created the first one. 

The first Flag was made of thirteen stripes, and thirteen stars.

A new Act passed in January of 1794 stipulated the flag would have fifteen stars and fifteen strips after May 1795. 

It wasn’t until April 4, 1818 that a new Act was passed that called for thirteen stripes for the original thirteen colonies and a star for each state in the country with new stars being added on the 4th of July after any new states had been admitted to the union.


Name 4 exercises that target the physical fitness component: Muscle Endurance 



Side planks 

Squat jumps 

Crab walks 

Leg raises 

Side leg raises


Explain how many servings of fruits and vegetables are needed each day.

Boys: Vegetables 5 servings; Fruits 4 servings

Girls:  Vegetables 4 servings; Fruits 3 servings


What are 2 questions to ask yourself to determine if it is best to call an ambulance?

• Does the injury or illness seem life-threatening? 

• Could things get worse on the way to the hospital if the person wasn’t in an ambulance? 

• Would moving the person make things worse? 

• Does the injury or illness require attention only trained medical professionals could give? 

• Could traffic or the distance from the hospital delay this person getting medical treatment?


Recite the Young Marines Creed.

1. Obey my parents and all others in charge of me whether young or old.

2. Keep myself neat at all times without other people telling me to.

3. Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.

4. Keep my mind alert to learn in school, at home, or at play.

5.Remember having self-discipline will enable me to control my body and mind in case of an emergency.


Describe how to display national and state flags outdoors.

• The flag of the United States must always be at the top of a flagpole when displayed with a state, community, society, or unit flag.

• If the flag is flown with other flags but on separate poles of the same height, the flag of the United States should be placed in a position of honor furthest to the right. No flags should be longer than the United States flag nor should any flag be placed above it. 

• When the flag is displayed from a pole or staff on a window, balcony, or building, the stars should be at the peak or tip of the pole unless the flag is at half-staff. 

• When the flag is displayed over a street, it should hang vertically with the stars to the north or east. If the flag is hanging over a sidewalk, the stars need to be furthest from the building. 

• The flag of one nation may not be displayed above a flag of another nation. If the United States flag is to be displayed with flags from other nations, they must all be the same size, displayed on separates poles, and raised and lowered at the same time. 


Name 4 exercises that target the physical fitness component: Flexibility 




Tai Chi


Determine how much water to drink each day.

Depending on your age, you should be drinking one to two liters of water a day which is between five to ten glasses of water. The older and more active you are, the more water you need.


If you are ever the one to call an ambulance, what are 2 tips to be sure help comes as soon as possible.

• Remain calm and speak clearly. 

• Give your name, current address, phone number, and where the patient is, for example in the chow hall or on the parade deck. 

• Don’t hang up the phone until you are told to. 

• Give as much information as possible about what happened and make sure to answer every question you are asked to the best of your ability.


Explain 3 Articles of the Young Marines Code of Conduct.

Young Marines Code of Conduct 

Article I: I am an American youth, proud of my country and our way of life. I am prepared to dedicate myself to educating others and myself in the history, traditions, and institutions thereof. I will do my best to live by the Marine Corps’ core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment as well as the Young Marines’ core values of, Leadership, Teamwork, and Discipline. 

Article II: I will never let another Young Marine down of my own accord. If in-charge, I will do my best to ensure the safety and well-being of those for whom I am responsible. I will immediately report any suspicious activity or behavior to a registered Adult Volunteer. 

Article III: If I am offered drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products, I will politely resist and refuse. I will make every effort to stay clear of situations involving gangs, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. I will not get involved in the same. I will also aid my friends and schoolmates to stay clear of similar situations. 

Article IV: I will always be loyal to my fellow Young Marines. I will make no statements nor take part in any action that may bring discredit to my God, country, family, and Young Marines. If I am the senior present, I will take charge. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those senior to me and support them in every way. 

Article V: When asked about the Young Marines program, I will answer questions politely, respectfully, and to the best of my ability. If I am asked a question I do not know the answer to, I will refer the person asking the question to a registered Adult Volunteer. I will never give information I am not certain of nor mislead those who are seeking information about the Young Marines program. 

Article VI: I will never forget I am an American Youth and therefore the future of America, privileged with the freedom won and kept by the blood of those who fought to ensure our freedom. I am responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles that made my country free.


Explain when to raise and lower the flag.

• The flag is to be raised briskly but lowered slowly and ceremoniously. It is displayed only between sunrise and sunset except under special circumstances. 

• When displayed at night, it is to be illuminated. 

• The flag is to be saluted as it is raised and lowered, and the salute is held until the flag is unsnapped from the halyard or until the last note of music has been played if music accompanies the act, whichever lasts the longest.


Describe the difference in endurance, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

Endurance: improve the health of your heart, lungs, and circulatory system.

Strength training: any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual. 

Flexibility: a movement or position designed to stretch specific muscles, with the goal of increasing flexibility and range of motion in that specific area. 


Explain the dangers of alcohol and drugs to the body.

Multiple answers are possible.

Drugs and alcohol have a damaging effect on your body and will counteract all the good you do by eating healthy and exercising.


Name 6 items that your personal first aid kit should contain.

• 2 sterile gauze pads, 3-by-3-inch 

• 1 small roll of adhesive tape 

• 1 moleskin, 3-by-6-inch 

• 1 small bar of soap or alcohol pads 

• 1 small tube of antiseptic 

• 1 pair of scissors 

• 1 pair of latex gloves 

• 1 mouth-barrier device for rescue breathing or CPR 

•  1 pair of plastic goggles or another eye protection 

•  1 pencil with paper
