Which ayat in the Quran is known as one of the greatest ayats.
Aytul- Kursi aka The Throne verse which is in Surah Al - Bakarah aya 255
We know there were many more Prophets in Islam than the ones that are explicitly mentioned by name in the Quran, How many were mentioned by name in the Quran?
25 were mentioned
Adam, Idris, Nuh, Hud, Saleh, Ibrahim, Lut, Ismeal, Ishaaq, Yaqub, Yusuf, Ayub, Shuaib, Musa, Haroon, Dul Kifli, Dawud, Suleiman, Yusuf, Ilyas, Alyasa, Yunus, Zakeria, Yahya, Isa, Muhammed (saw).
Uthman Ibn Affan, Because he married two of the Prophet (saw) daughters, first Ruqayyah then when she passed he married Umm Kulthum
There is one specific prophet who's story has a lot of similarities with the prophet (saw), who is this prophet and give me two similarities that they had?
Prophet Musa, Both had to deal with some evil leader at their Time, and had to do a great migration for the betterment of their people, Musa also was given a book.
The first hadith in An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths is narrated by who? The hadith is " Innamal at malu bin niyat" , "Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended?
Umar Ibn Al- Khatab
Which ayat of the Quran is the longest & what surah is it in?
Ayat-u-Dayn aka The verse of the loan, A guideline on debt / borrowing money & it is there to protect the borrower & lender, it is in Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah 282)
When the Prophet Muhammed (saw) went on the journey of Isra wal Miraj, He was sent through each level of heaven and was met with certain prophets on each level? List them and what level of heaven they met with the Prophet (saw).
He met with
Adam - 1st Sky
Yahya & Isa- 2nd Sky
Yusuf- 3rd Sky
Idris- 4th sky
Harun - 5th Sky
Musa - 6th Sky
Ibrahim- 7th sky
Name all of the kids of the Prophet Muhammed (saw). Only one surpassed the Prophet (saw) , but then passed away a short time after the prophet. Which kid was it and how long after the death of the Prophet did they live for (hint: its in months) .
Qasim, Zainab, Ruqqayah, Umm Kulthum, Fatimah, Abdullah, Ibrahim
Fatimah Outlived him, but shortly passed 6 months later.
The treaty of Hudaybia was a treaty signed between the Muslims and the Quraysh which was a treaty for how long? Who broke it? and what did the treaty allow the Muslims to do?
This treaty, signed between the Muslims and the Quraysh, allowed for a 10-year peace and the Muslims to perform the pilgrimage the following year. It was later broken by the Quraysh.
What was the name of the leader who conquered Jerusalem from the Crusades?
Salahuddin Ayyubi
six surahs ( Ibrahim, Nuh, Muhammed, Hud, Yunus, Yusuf)
Idol worshiping in Arabia was started post the time of a certain prophet, who was this prophet? Which man started/ brought Idol worshiping in ARABIA?
After the time of prophet Ismeal a man named Amir bin Luhay brought idol worshiping to Arabia.
The prophet (saw) had seven kids in total, six of them came from one of his wives, and one came from another wife. Which wife had the first 6, and which wife had the 7nth.
Khadijah had the first 6
Mariyah had his 7th Ibrahim, Ibrahim died at a very very young age. When he passed away allah (swt) revealed surah Kawthar to help comfort the prophet with this loss.
The battle of Uhud was declared by an enemy turned companion of Islam, Who was this person and what was one of the reasons for the call for a battle against the Muslim?
The battle declared by Hind bint Utbah was the Battle of Uhud. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan and a fierce opponent of the Muslims, played a significant role in motivating the Quraysh forces. She sought revenge for the death of her father, Utbah ibn Rabi'ah, her uncle, Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah, and her brother, Walid ibn Utbah, who were killed in the Battle of Badr. Hind's anger towards the Muslims, particularly Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib who had killed her relatives, was a driving force behind the Quraysh's efforts in this battle.
What are the four Primairy School of thoughts in Islam?
Hanbali, Shafi, Malaki, Hanafi
How many Makkan Surahs ( how many years did the prophet spend here once revelation started)? How many Madyan surahs( how many years did the prophet spend here)? How many Juz are there? How many years did it take for the Quran to be fully revealed? At what age did the prophet (saw) get revelation? Which surah does not start with bismillah? Which surah is known as the mother of all Surahs?
86 Makkan surahs ( 13 years)
28 Madiyan surahs ( 10 years)
Total of 23 years, for the Quran to be fully revealed
30 juz
40 years old
Surah Tawbah
Surah Fatiha
This prophet was swallowed by a whale and survived for days inside it. He recited a specific prayer while inside the fish that is often used as a supplication for relief from distress. Who is this prophet and what is this dua in Arabic.
Prophet Yunus dua he made was La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu min az-zalimin
There is no diety except you, exalted are you, indeed I have been a wrong doer.
When the Prophet (saw) was born and Abu Lahab heard the news of his nephew being born he was so excited he freed this slave, who was this slave? This slave later becomes the Prophet (saw) first nurse mother and the nurse mother of his uncle Hamza.
Thuwaybah aka Soobia in urdu
In his Farewell Sermon, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of several key principles, including the sanctity of life, property, and honor. Where did he deliver this sermon?
The plain of Arafat
When the prophet (saw) was migrating from Makkah to Madinah, Him and his companion Abu Bakr had to go stay in hiding in a cave for 3 nights. During this time they had to be fed, who used to climb up that mountain to give them food.
Asma Bint Abu- Bakr , the other daughter of Abu- Bakr half sister of Aisha
Which word in the Quran is directly the midpoint of the quran? What surah is it in?
Surah Al kahf, the word is wal ya tha lataf verse 19, it mean "let it be kind" this ayat is talking about the men in the cave that Allah (swt) put to sleep for many years and when woken up they go out to ask, but are told to be kind.
A prophet wanted to reassure himself of the power that Allah (swt) holds so he asked Allah (swt) how he brings life to the dead. Allah swt tells this prophet to do a certain thing. What did Allah swt tell this prophet to do and who is this prophet?
And ˹remember˺ when Abraham said, “My Lord! Show me how you give life to the dead.” Allah responded, “Do you not believe?” Abraham replied, “Yes I do, but just so my heart can be reassured.” Allah said, “Then bring four birds, train them to come to you, ˹then cut them into pieces,˺ and scatter them on different hilltops. Then call them back, they will fly to you in haste. And ˹so you will˺ know that Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” - Surah Bakarah ayah 260
This companion was one of the strongest men during the time of the Prophet (saw), his daughter had also married the prophet (saw). He first hated Islam and then soon became a man that when he would walk one way shaytan would walk the other. Who was this man? And who was the daughter of his that married the Prophet saw?
Umar Ibn Al-khatab & his daughter Hafsa bint umar
The three questions that resulted in the revelation of Surah Al-Kahf were asked by the Quraysh of Mecca at the behest of Jewish rabbis from Medina. The Quraysh were advised to ask the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) these questions to test his prophethood. The questions were what? And what other important lesson did we learn regarding something we should always say when we plan on doing something?
Ask him about the young men who disappeared in the past (the story of the Companions of the Cave).
Ask him about a man who traveled extensively and reached the east and the west of the Earth (the story of Dhul-Qarnayn).
Ask him about the soul (Ar-Ruh).
The importance of saying Inshallah was the lesson
Which man will be a one man ummah to enter Jannah?
Zaid Ibn Amr Ibn Nufaid (ra) is an absolutely remarkable figure in the history of Islam and has a story unlike any other from the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. Aside from being a monotheist before the coming of Islam, he would guide people to what pleased Allah based on intuition and fitrah (natural disposition).
Sa’id Ibn Zayd asked: “O Messenger of Allah SWT, Zayd Ibn Amr was as you have seen. He had heard the reports about you and if he had reached you, he would have accepted faith. Shall we pray for his forgiveness?”
The Messenger of Allah SWT replied: “Yes, you must pray for his forgiveness. On Judgment Day he will be raised as a complete community. He had belief (in me) and was in search of the true religion, and he died while in pursuit for it.”
In other narration, the Messenger SAW said, “I entered Paradise and I saw two gardens for Zayd ibn Amr. And he will be gathered as a nation on his own, between me and Isa ibn Maryam.”