Known as Booze, Sauce, Brewskis, or the hardstuff
What is alcohol?
Affects the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed.
What is marijuana?
Comes in the form of snuff and chewing tobacco.
What is tobacco?
Stress is a risk factor for drug use and relapse.
What is true? Stress is a risk factor in both drug use in drug relapse.
Causes Slurred speech and loss of appetite.
What is Inhalants?
Known as smokes, cig, and butts.
What is cigarettes?
Starves the body of oxygen and forces the heart to beat irregularly.
What are inhalants?
Glue, markers, gas, and nail polish.
What are inhalants?
Inhalants are safe with few side effects or dangers.
What is False? Inhaling many common products can lead to brain damage and even death.
Short term effects causes sleep deprivation, paranoia, and muscle twitches.
What is Cocaine?
Known as chew, dip, spit, or snuff.
What is tobacco?
Alters how the brain perceives time.
What are hallucinogens?
Fake pot and herbal incense.
What is spice?
Marijuana is safer than other drugs.
What is False?
Health risks include bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.
What are tobacco and Marijuana?
Known as speed, crystal, crank, black beauties and tweet.
What is Methamphetamine?
Causes a short feeling of "high" followed immediately by an opposite feeling of depression, edginess, and a craving for more of the drug.
What is Cocaine?
Liquid or tablets, capsules, or blotting papers.
What is LSD?
You can tell if your drink has been spiked with an illegal substance by the drink's color, smell, and or taste.
What is False?
Come in the forms of Codeine, Percocet, and Oxycontin.
What are prescription drugs?
Referred to as Oxy, Hillbilly Heroin, Percs, O.C., Rims, Tires, Greenies.
What is Oxycodone or Oxycontin?
Causes mind and mood changes such as anxiety, euphoria, and depression. Also causes chronic fatigue and permanent psychological damage.
What is Meth?
PCP, Angel dust, or LSD.
What is Hallucinogens?
Beer and wine is safer than hard liquor.
What is False?
These drugs are secretly placed into beverages and used to make you unable to resist a sexual assault.
What are date rape drugs?