How many ayahs are in Surah Asr?
How many Surahs are in the Qur'an?
Which cave was the Qur'an first revealed in?
Cave of Hira
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold
Surah Asr states that humanity is in grave ____
Which Surah is considered the Heart of the Qur'an?
Surah Yaseen
Which 2 prophets directly communicated with Allah (swt)?
Prophet Musa AS and Prophet Muhammad SAW
What can you put in a bucket to make it lighter?
A hole
What does the word Khusr mean?
Loss, or loss from deception
Which Surah does not start with Bismillah?
Surah Tauba
Khadijah RA, Fatima RA, Maryam AS, Asiyah RA
Which country has its national animal as a Unicorn?
Who are those that can be saved from this loss?
Those who have faith, do good, urge each other to the truth, and encourage each other to persevere
Who first ordered the compilation and writing down of the Qur'an?
Abu Bakr As-Siddique RA
What are the names of the four main angels - and what are their responsibilities?
Angel Jibrail (Leader of the angels and communicates with the Prophets), Angel Mikail (Angel of Rain/weather), Angel Izrail (Angel of death), and Angel Israfil (Angel of the blowing the Trumpet on the Day of Judgement)
What was the largest contiguous (borders are touching) empire in history?
Mongol Empire
Throughout the Qur'an, Allah (swt) describes loss in different ways. What is one way we discussed "loss" being referred to as?
Missed opportunities / not taking advantage of beneficial opportunities
How many Prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?
What is the name of the famous Black Rock on the East corner of the Ka'bah?
Hajar al-Aswad
What is the highest-grossing animated film of all time? (As of right now)
Inside Out 2