I give
What is yo doy
I put or I place
What is yo pongo
I leave from my house.
What is Yo salgo de mi casa.
I see the drinks in the restaurant.
Yo veo las bebidas en el restaurante.
We get to eat lunch at noon.
Nosotros conseguimos almorzar al mediodia. (accent on the i in dia)
I see
What is yo veo
I do or I make
What is hago
I fall on the ice.
What is Yo me caigo en el hielo.
I don't set the table.
Yo no pongo la mesa.
She measures the paper in art class.
Ella mide el papel en la clase de arte.
I know (a fact)
What is yo se (with an accent on the e)
I leave or I go out
What is yo salgo
I suppose so. (I suppose that yes)
What is Yo supongo que si (with an accent on the i).
I know the girls in the math class.
Yo conozco a las chicas en la clase de matematicas.
You don't ask for money.
Tu (accent on the u) no pides el dinero.
I suppose
What is yo supongo
I say or I tell
What is yo digo
I say good afternoon to the class.
What is Yo digo buenas tardes a la clase.
I know the answer (response) to the test question.
Yo se ( with an accent on the e) la respuesta a la pregunta del examen.
You guys (informal/plural) repeat the teacher.
Vosotros repetis (accent on the i) a la profesora/al profesor.
I know (a person)
What is yo conozco
I bring
What is yo traigo
I hear the students in the school.
What is Yo oigo a los estudiantes en la escuela.
I bring food to the party.
Yo traigo la comida a la fiesta.
I don't follow the group.
Yo no sigo el grupo.