To bend the rails
What were the Indian's name for trains?
Iron Horses
Name one of Red Clouds allies.
Black Bear, Sorrel Horse, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse,
How many wagons were in Carrington's wagon train
About 200
What was the Indians name for General Custer?
Hard Backside, and Custer
Red Cloud would not discuss peace until...
AL the troops from Powder River were removed.
Where was Spotted Tail buried?
Fort Laramie
Where did Carrington's wagon train decide to stop and build their headquarters.
In the best hunting grounds of the plain territories.
What did Red Cloud do to lure Carrington's troops away from the fort?
He stampeded his horses and mules
What was Red Clouds grand strategy against Carrington?
To cut off their supplies, make their travel dangerous, and isolate and attack them.
What name were the Sioux that camped outside Fort Laramie given?
Laramie Loafers
What was the most important route from Fort Laramie to Montana?
The Bozeman Trail
Carrington sent men to build a fort on the Bozeman Trail, what was the name of this fort?
Fort C. F. Smith
What did the treaty commissioners want from the tribes?
The right to build passageways, roads, and trials.
What happened through the summer of 1866?
A guerilla war between White Chief and For Phil Kearny.
How many casualties did the Indians have from the Battle of the 100 slain?
Almost 200
How many men did Carrington send to build a new trail along the Bozeman trail?
What did Carrington tell the chiefs that made them upset?
That they were going to build a road through Powder River.
What name did the Indians call Carrington's troops
Blue Coats
On what day did Red Cloud's army decide to start their main attack against the fort?
December 21
Who was Spotted Tails daughter?
Fleet Foot
What did the Sioux chief tell red cloud he would do?
He would cut off the white's supplies and starve them to death in the winter.
Indians called this fight the Battle of the Hundred Slain, what did white men call it?
The Fetterman Massacre
How did Red Cloud signal the troops moment on the day of the attack?
He flashed mirrors and waved flags
Where did Red Clouds men get a small arsenal of rifles and ammo?