one of the most famous yoga pose
tree pose
this pose helps with balance and mindfulness
this lunge has you get real low
low lunge
helps with stretching the hips, thighs, and groin, while also strengthening the legs
should you do mindfulness in day to day life
yes it can help in many way
Corpse pose
helps with blood pressure and stress
this pose is the third in a line of poses
Warrior III
helps with improving balance, coordination, and stability throughout the body
this pose puts a twist on a lunge
twisting lunge
this pose engages the lower body to build strength and stability
why should you medatite
there are many diffrent reasons but most common are helps with mental health and calming the mind
leg up the wall
this pose helps with feet pain and helps with diegestion
this pose can help with mr's henrys other classes
dancer pose
this pose helps stretch the quads, hip flexors, abs, chest and shoulders and improves hip stability
this lounge pose helps you reach for the moon
Crescent Lunge
this pose can improve balance, strength, and flexibility
why should you close your eyes when medating
it helps you focues on yourself
this pose helps the chest and felxabitly
this bird pose likes tropical islands
bird of paradise
Increases flexibility: Opens the hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and groin
this reptilian pose is one of the deepest lounges in youga
lizard pose
lizard pose helps hip opening and lower body Flexibility
can mindfulness help in school
lotus pose
this pose helps with posture and mindfulness
this pose shares the name of a smart bird
crow pose
this pose helps you grow ab stronger and helps you with balance
this shaped name pose is great for flexibility
Triangle Pose
can help Improve flexibility in the legs, hips, shoulders, and chest
how does journaling help with mindfulness
four-limbed staff
develops strength in many areas of the body mostly in the chest