How many books are you allowed to have checked out?
Where do you put books that need to be returned/checked in to the library?
In the book return box or the book return slot
What does the F stand for in a call number and what kind of books are they?
Fiction; Chapter Books
What do we use Destiny for?
To search for a book in the library.
What do we call the part of a book that list the chapters and their page numbers?
Table of Contents
How long do you get to borrow the books for?
2 weeks
What can you do if you want to keep a book longer than the standard 2 week checkout?
Renew it through Destiny Discover; self-checkout; ask Mrs. Moore
What collection of books have a yellow spine label?
What are the three main ways to search in Destiny?
Title, Author, or Subject
Where can you find items that you may have lost in the library?
In the parking lot lost & found.
How many students are allowed to sit in the comfy chairs?
1 in the singles, 2 in the double
Quietly sit and read in the comfy spaces, play in the games in the game sections
How are fiction books organized in the library?
Alphabetically by author's last name
What is an alternate way to access Destiny Discover from outside of the library?
What do we call the label on the spine of a book?
The call number
This is what happens if you lose or damage a book?
You must buy a replacement.
Place a hold on it through Destiny Discover
What do fiction call numbers look like?
F plus the author's first three letters of last name
Sign in using your school issued student ID
What is the copyright date of a book?
The year that the book was published.
If Mrs. Moore is teaching or if no one is available to check your book out, what can you do?
Using your planner, you can use the self-checkout station.
Where do we go if there is a fire drill while you are in the library?
Leave the library through the 6th grade side, and exit toward the bus loop and walk to the Tennis Courts.
What do we call the number system we use to organize nonfiction books?
The Dewey Decimal System
What is the technology tool we use to access our digital ebooks through Destiny?
What do you call the different categories of fiction books such as mystery, fantasy, adventure, science fiction, historical fiction, graphic novels or horror?