Soldiers and explores who led the Spanish conquest of the American.
Who was the first European to explore the Caribbean Sea?
Christopher Columbus
What do the three G's stand for
Gold, Glory, God
Seafaring or oceangoing; relating to the sea or ocean
What my favorite color?
A settlement of people living a new territory, linked with the parent's country by trade and government control.
Who was First European to reach India by rounding cape of good hope?
Vasco da Gama
What was the columbain exchange?
Trading ventures across seas and oceans increased in plants, culture and population.
A set of principles that held that the prosperity of nation depended on a large supply of gold and sliver.
When is my bithday?
august 12th
Trade network connecting
Triangular trade
Who was the first European to round the cape of good hope?
Bartolomeu Dias
What factors determined social status in colonial Latin America?
race, gender, nationality
Travel completely around
What's my favorite subject?
A business where shares of ownership in a company are brought and owned by shareholders.
Joint stock company
Who Explored the east coast of Canda and claimed land for England?
John Cabot
What economic theories were born during the age of european exploration?
a type of economic system known as capitalism continued to flourish.
A large agricultural estate
Who is my favorite cartoon character?
Hello Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic oceans to the Americas.
Middle Passage
Who explored the Caribbean and south America?
Amerigo Vespucci
What role did the catholic church play in the colonization of Latin America?
brought the native American together for mission and to be converted.
The act of converting people to Christianity
What color are my braces?
Bright RED!!!