where would be the Beit hamikdash
to where was the aron transported to
what would be Shlomo residing in the beit hamikdash and his descendants would rule over israel
what did hashem promise to Shlomo after Shlomo prayed to him
who would be the queen of sheba
what did shlomo do that hashem considered wrong
what would be Shechem
In which city was rechavam appointed king?
what would be succot
by which holiday did the celebration take place
what would be if shlomo followed the torah
what condition would god give shlomo?
what would be yes the queen was impressed
was the queen of sheva impressed over shlomo
what would be shlomos descendants would only rule over the tribes of yehuda and benyamin
what was shlomos punishment
who returned from Egypt?
what would be Anyone
who could get forgiveness from praying at the Beit Hamikdash.
what would be chiram giving 120 talents of gold, cedar, and cypress trees, and shlomo giving 20 cities in galit
what was the deal that shlomo and chiram had?
what would be many riches and 666 talents of gold
what did the queen of sheva give shlomo
who would be Hadad from Edom
who is hadad?
What would be Rechavam taving the people less
what did the people request of rechavam
what would be 14 days
how long did the celebration of the beit Hamikdash last.
what would be chiram did not like the deal
what would be a throne for himself
what did shlomo build for himself?
Who is Retzin?
what happened to adoram
what would be Yom Kipppur
on which day did the jewish people eat food because of the celebration even when they would normally be fasting
what would be zero
how many workers did shlomo use to build the beit hamikdash
what would be 1,400 chariots and 12,000 riders
what are we told shlomo gathered?
who would be Yeravam son of Nevat
who is yeravam
what happened to rechavams rule
there was a rebellion