He postulates in his book disproved Lamarck’s theory on use and disuse, and for his work he was known as the Father of Modern Evolution.
Charles darwin
The _____, is a type of species that is distantly related to the species whose relationships are being considered in the cladogram.
I am a eukaryotic organisms that include is known for my baking ingredient. In my mode of nutrition, I absorb nutrients, In structure, I am known for my chitin. What kingdom am I?
This results from the buildup of
gases like carbon dioxide and methane, trapping heat within the Earth's atmosphere.
Global warming
Which phase of the cell cycle is the longest and involves the most metabolic activity?
They are the remains of dead plants and animals from long ago. They provide concrete evidence of how extinct organisms looked like and how they lived. Specimens are usually considered to be ____ if they are over 10,000 years old.
It was later discovered by
Charles Darwin that individuals
born with traits that aided
survival, were better suited
to their environments and
were therefore more likely to
live long enough to reproduce
and pass on those favourable
traits. What theory is
Archaebacteria - Also known as ______, they are the oldest forms of life on Earth, with evidence suggesting they evolved early in the planet's history. Many of these organisms are found in extreme environments like Highl temperature, pressure, salinity, and extreme Ph conditions.
This happens through nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing massive amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. This energy travels to Earth as electromagnetic radiation, what type of energy is this?
Solar energy
Which type of biomolecule is responsible for forming the major structural component of plasma membrane?
Phospholipid (bilayer)
TRUE OR FALSE: The appendages of the
shark, penguin and
dolphin are all different in
structure, but they all
serve one function which
is to propel them through
water. Thus, they are
considered vestigial
A cladogram is composed of the following parts: the root, initial ancestor common to all organisms within the cladogram Branches, lines extending from the root to represent evolutionary lineages, and the ____ , points where branches split, denoting speciation events.
Also known as blue-green algae, they are a group of bacteria that
were the first to have the ability to perform photosynthesis
Animals: Cellular respiration
Plants: _____
Recite the 7 levels in the hierarchy of life in Carolus’ classification.
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, specie name.
In the human vertebral
column, we have what we
call the coccyx or the
tailbone. This currently
does not have functions in
humans, but this was
formerly part of the
caudal vertebrae in our
ancestors which had tails,
the monkeys. What type of structure
is this?
Vestigial/rudementary structure
Modern house cats (____)
are grouped under Family Felidae.
The ancestor of all present-day
species was the now-extinct
Felis attica, which appeared
around 9 million years ago. What is the scientific name for house cats?
Felis catus
Formerly known as Kingdom Metazoa, this kingdom contains all animals. They are
multicellular organisms composed primarily of _T____.
Flowing or falling ____ has kinetic energy, which is captured by turbines in dams. The movement spins the turbines, converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy, which is then transformed into electricity. What is the main source of energy in this context?
Water movement
What is the term for the unique bond that links monosaccharides together to form polysaccharides?
Glycosidic bond
The ____, better known as the "fishapod," is a 375 million year old fossil fish which was said to be the origin of all terrestrial life and discovered in the Canadian Arctic in 2004.
Derived traits are the new or modified traits that were not present in the ancestor but arose later in evolution, what is the other term for Derived traits?
The ____ and ____ are known vascular structures in the kingdom plantae. Respectively, it transports water and sugar, helping plants receive nutrients from different reservoirs.
Xylem and Phloem
In RA 7586, what does the term N.I.P.A.S stands for?
National Integrated Protected Areas System
Which biomolecule serves as the main energy storage molecule in animals and is highly branched for rapid glucose release?
Glycogen (Liver)