This is the third largest city by population in North America.
What is Chicago?
He models suits here.
Who is Jacob.
This is the number of Pokemon that can Terestalize.
What is all of them.
The Union that encompasses almost all of the European continent is called this.
What is the European Union.
She is the sister of Linda belcher on bobs burgers
Who is Gayle
This is the smallest rainforest in the world.
What is Bukit Nana Forest Reserve?
_______'s Ladder
Who is Jacob
This is the paradox form of Cobalion.
What is Iron Crown?
South Korea is in this peninsula.
What is the Korean Peninsula.
Comprising of the coccyx and known as your tail bone, this evolutionary appendage is known as this.
What is Vestigial.
This is the southernmost city in the world.
He is the Conductor of Chaos here.
Who is Brooks
This is the number (+-1) from generation 6 that can mega evolve.
What is 0-1.
Uzbekistan is located in this region of Asia.
What is Central.
This shark has the highest human fatality rate
What is Bull Shark.
There are this many countries on earth.
What is 196
A nickname for this name can be Jake.
Who is Jacob.
There are this many Pokemon Games
What is 135
This is the capital of India
What is New Dheli?
As of 2018, there were this many African white rhinos in captivity
What is 8
There are this many countries in the world.
What is 196?
He is the best.
Who is Jacob
This many Pokemon can Gigantamax.
What is 33.
One of these is the biggest city in Africa
Cape Town
What is Cairo
Who is the second person to join the straw hat crew in the one piece
Who is Zoro