This method of euthanasia, commonly used for horses, involves an intravenous injection that leads to a quick and peaceful passing
Failure to detect respiration and heart rate. Dead or alive?
A horse should not have to endure continuous or unmanaged pain such as ...
Chronic pain, severe laminitis, or DJD
This options for horse disposal may involve higher costs and is not widely available in rural areas
What is "cremation"
Veterinarians must obtain this from owners before proceeding with euthanasia
What is "informed consent"
The procedure is sometimes required to ensure the horse remains calm before euthanasia
What is sedation.
_______ reflex is absent when the animal has passed
a _____ condition that renders it a hazard to itself or its handlers
What is "behavioural"
This method is sustainable and involves allowing the horse's remains to decompose naturally with space and time requirements
Whats is "composting"
This document includes details on the euthanasia process, disposal options, and support resources for grieving owners
What is client communication sheet
This method may take up to 20 mins for the heart rate to stop
What is Magnesium sulphate or potassium chloride
You did not sedate the horse, and have given pentobarbital, the horse drops to the ground and as you walk away the horse stands back up. Is the horse dead or alive?
Clearly still alive, use sedation people
A ________ are leading causes of euthanasia in throughbred race horses
What is "broken leg" or "bone fracture"
This euthanasia drug remains in the horses body and can harm wildlife if the carcass is scavenged
What is pentobarbital
Veterinarians recommend this resource to support horse owners grieving the loss of their animal
What are grief counsellors or pet loss support hotlines
This method may be seen frequently in the USA
What is shot gun
You have used MgSO4 as your method of euthanasia, and have given one bottle. The heart is still beating.... is it dead or alive?
A horse presents to you with this type of colic and the owner can not afford surgery, the best option is then to euthanize
What is "small intestinal obstruction or strangulating lesion"
This disposal method requires the following local regulations, especially if the land is near water sources
What is "on-site burial"
Prior to euthanasia, ________ status should be determined
What is "Insurance"
You can cut _____ as a form of euthanasia
What is the "Abdominal aorta"
A 1200 lbs quarter horse has received 20 mls of pentobarbital. Is the horse dead or alive?
Alive. Dose is 1 ml per 10 lbs. Should be receiving about 120 mls.
60% of horses respond to treatment of this neurologic disease, if no response are most likely euthanized
What is "EPM"
According to the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 a dead farm animal must be disposed of by a method set out in section 8 within ______ hours of its death
48 hours
AAEP supports that euthanasia is an acceptable _____ procedure once all available alternatives have been explored with the client