What is the plural of "child"?
What is 7 × 8?
What is the name of the planet closest to the Sun?
What is the capital city of France?
What are the weapons in the picture called? (at least 2)
Spear, Sword, Bow, Arrows
What's the VERB in the following sentence? "She quickly finished her homework."
Solve the equation for X: 3X + 4 = 19
X = 5
What are the most intelligent animals in the world? (after humans, chimpanzees, and orangutans)
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Pacific Ocean
What ancient civilization built the pyramids?
The Egyptians
What are the ANTONYMS for the following adjectives? "HAPPY", "CLEVER", "EASY"
Examples: "SAD", "DUMB", "DIFFICULT"
If a train travels 240 km in 3 hours, what is its AVERAGE SPEED?
80 km/h
What is the name of the gas we need for breathing?
Which continent is home to the Amazon Rainforest?
South America
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
Name the AUTHOR of the drama play Romeo and Juliet.
William Shakespeare
David sold seven 20-dollar books and fifteen 5-dollar magazines. Frank sold seventeen 10-dollar books and twelve 5-dollar magazines. Who's got more money now?
Frank (230 dollars), David (215 dollars)
What is the main function of the heart in the human body?
Pumping blood throughout the body
What is the richest country in the world (by GDP)? (Clue: It's a European country.)
Luxembourg (155 000 dollars per capita)
What year did World War II end?
What do we call a story that teaches a moral lesson, often featuring animals? (The Tortoise and the Hare, The Lion and the Mouse)
A fable
Who is the author of c2 = a2 + b2?
What do you call the bone structure of a body?
What's the most populated country in the world?
India (1,450,935,791 to date)
In what century did Columbus discover America?
15th century (October 12, 1492)