Board-approved certification course
What is Nevada required IV certification training?
Includes 30 hours of instructions and 10 hours of laboratory practice
Medication route
What is IV push
Look for infiltration, phlebitis or allergic reations
What is to frequently check the IV site
A formal directive written by a licensed provider to guide care provided to a patient
What is an order?
Removing air, programming and troubleshooting pumps
What is priming tubing and managing IV pumps?
Provides LPNs the legal authority to start IVs and monitor IV therapy
What is the Nevada Nurse Practice Act
PICC lines and Midlines
What is can not insert or remove?
Covers legal expenses and damages in case of a lawsuit
What is malpractice insurance
Name, date of birth and medical record number
What is patient information?
Vein site selection, correct catheter size, proper technique, and securement
What is needed for successful IV insertion?
Three (3) successful venipunctures
What is the laboratory practice requirement?
Blood transfusions
What is may not initially hang blood?
Avoid legal claims and protect patient information
What is following HIPAA guidelines
Normal saline, antibiotics, amount of drug or concentration and delivery method
What is the drug name, dosage, and route?
Establishing drops per minute using a standard formula
What is calculating flow rate?
NAC 632.475
What is the Nursing regulation code for LPN certification?
Prepare medication for IV infusion
What is cannot mix or add medication to IV fluids?
Verify the five (5) rights
What is review the written physician order
When, speed, and additional parameters of IV infusion
What is frequency and duration, rate and special instructions.
Pressure is applied with taped dressing
What is discontinuing an IV?
Setting up equipment, insertion of peripheral devices, electronic regulating devise use, discontinuing peripheral devices and documentation of IV therapy
What are goals of IV certification?
Implanted Medi-port
What is unable to access an implanted Medi-port?
Patient understands the purpose, risks and benefits of IV therapy.
What is informed consent?
Obtained by physician or RN
Verifies authenticity and legal accountability
What is the providers signature?
Preventing occlusion of IV access devises
What is flushing any IV access lines?