Chubby Bunny
How many marshmallows will Dane get to?
Closest wins
Name the song/musical that Dane was in
Oklahoma - Oklahoma
(I guess smash - Julia)
Flip Cup
Any team who beats Dane gets a point, any team that loses, loses points
Human Again - Beauty and the Beast
Hello Kitty
she's a 48 y/o girl
(I guess Dane will ask a clarifying question then pass due to the lack of mouth or something)
Spelling Bee
How many words will Dane spell correctly out of 5?
From the list of Scripps National Spelling Bee 2023 Level 2 (grades 4-6)
Pick a Pocket or Two - Oliver
the Geico gecko (Martin)
(I guess pass)
Lung Capacity
How long can Dane hold a single note without taking a breath?
Closest wins
If I Were A Rich Man - Fiddler On The Roof
a bishop from chess
(I guess...pass)
Dress Up
How many children's T-shirts can Dane wear at once?
You Can Play With Your Food - Honk
A threesome offer