Moses and Aaron's Sister?
Miriam (Exo 15:20-24)
Longest verse in the Bible
Esther 8:9
David killed this animal to rescue his sheep
Lion or Bear (1 Sam 17:34-36)
Walked with God
Enoch (Gen 5:21-24)
Sister of the Twelve Tribes
Dinah (Gen 30:21)
Shortest verse in the Bible
John 11:35
When his dream was fulfilled, Nebuchadnezzar ate like ___, his hair grew like the feathers of ____ and his nails like the claws of ____.
Cattle, Eagle and Bird (Daniel 4:33)
Samson's father
Manoah (Judges 13)
First woman of the Bible who used cosmetics.
Queen Jezebel (2 Kings 9:30)
Longest chapter in the Bible
Psalms 119
First idol made by the Israelites
Calf/Golden Calf (Exodus 32)
Had the most number of children written in the Bible
Rehoboam (2 Chron 11:18-21)
New Testament woman who is always mentioned together with her husband
Shortest chapter in the Bible
Psalms 117
Animal that is designated to carry our sins into the desert during the Day of Atonement
Azazel Goat (Lev 16:21-22)
Paul's Teacher
Gamaliel (Acts 22:3)
Grandmother of Timothy
Lois (2 Tim 1:5)
Of all these, ____ is the greatest.
Love (1 Cor 13:13)
Jesus Christ is the ____ of the tribe of Judah
Lion (Rev 5:5)
Man who had the longest name in the Bible
Isaiah's son, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (Isaiah 8)