Bible Dudes
Bible Dudettes
Animals in the Bible
Jesus' Friends

He found favor with God and was told to build a boat of cypress that would house two of every kind of animal. (Genesis 6)

Who is Noah?


She was made from the rib of the first man and is accused to doing the first sin. (Genesis 2)

Who is Eve?


This parable is about someone who plants some seeds. Some seeds fall on good soil and some seed falls on dry rocks and thorns. (Luke 8)

What is The Parable of the Sower?


This animal swallows Jonah when he runs away from doing what God asked him to do (go to the city of Nineveh and tell them of their wickedness). (Jonah 1)

What is a whale?


This is Jesus' friend who was a tax collector. (Matthew 10)

Who is Matthew?


In Genesis 2, he was formed from dust and had life breathed into him by God. 

Who is Adam?


She tricked Samson so that he would tell her where his strength came from (his hair). (Judges 16)

Who is Delilah?


In this parable, a shepherd cannot find one of his animals, so he goes looking for just this one even though the other 99 are fine. (Matthew 18)

What is The Parable of the Lost Sheep?


Moses and Aaron go to talk to Pharoah and when Aaron threw down his staff, it became this animal. (Exodus 7)

What is a snake?


This is the friend of Jesus who died and who Jesus brought back to life. (John 11)

Who is Lazarus?


This teenager in the Bible was stripped of his robe and thrown into a pit by his brothers because they were tired of hearing him talk about his dreams. (Genesis 37)

Who is Joseph?


She was the wife of Isaac who was thought to be barren, but she eventually becomes the mother of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25)

Who is Rebekah?


In this parable, 10 women are waiting for a groom to come to a wedding. Five of them bring oil for their lamps, but the other five didn't come prepared. The ones who weren't prepared didn't make it to the wedding. (Matthew 25)

What is The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids?

This animal is beaten three times by Balaam when it stops in the road because it sees the angel of the Lord (Numbers 22).

What is a donkey?


This is Jesus' friend who betrayed him to the Romans. (John 18)

Who is Judas?

In Exodus, he served as God's messenger to Pharaoh, telling him about the frogs, flies, boils, hail, and water turning to blood to warn him. (Exodus 7)

Who is Moses?


She was Mary's cousin and mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1).

Who is Elizabeth?


In this parable, a man is attacked by bandits on the road. He is helped, not by the people who you would expect to help him, but by a man who everyone is prejudiced against. (Luke 10)

What is The Parable of the Good Samaritan?

Jesus tells Peter to go to the sea and get one of these. It will have a coin in its mouth which Peter should use to pay taxes. (Matthews 17)

What is a fish?


This is Jesus' friend who denies that he knows Jesus three times (John 18)

Who is Peter?


He took over after the last guy (God's messenger to Pharoah) when he retired at age 120. (Deuteronomy 31)

Who is Joshua?


The woman who Jesus first appeared to after the resurrection (Mark 16). 

Who is Mary Magdalene?


In this parable, Jesus talks about a lady who cannot find money, but when she does find it after checking everywhere, she rejoices. (Luke 15)

What is The Parable of the Lost Coin?


In this story, Jesus casts demons into a herd of these animals. Once the demons are in them, the herd runs to the ocean, jumps in, and dies. (Matthew *)

What are pigs?


This is the friend who doesn't believe that Jesus has come back from the dead. He is also known as the Twin. (John 20)

Who is Thomas?
