Goal Setting
Conflict Resolution

Name one of your strengths

Answers will vary


What's one example of a goal?

Answers will vary.  For example, I will get a B+ on my next math test.

Name a time that you felt proud of yourself.

Answers will vary.  Could be when you won a game, got a good grade, etc.


Name two types of communication.

verbal, non-verbal, written, sign language, etc.


What is a conflict?

A disagreement or argument.


Name 2 strengths of a good leader

Determined, strong, smart, brave, kind, confident, etc.


Identify three people that can help you reach your goals.

Friends, family, teachers, etc.


What does it mean to be confident?

It means that you speak your mind, take risks, own up to mistakes and learn from them, accept compliments, and do what’s right even if it’s not the popular thing to do.


What are the benefits of communicating assertively?

You get your point across, you're honest and direct, you're communicating clearly.

What's a positive choice that Adam could make in this scenario: Tony calls Adam a big back.

Adam could stand up for himself using an I-message to let Tony know that what he said hurts his feelings and that he wants Tony to speak to him respectfully from now on. Adam could tell a teacher or walk away.


Name 1 strength of the person to your right

Answers will vary


Name 2 possible challenges that might occur if you set the goal: I will make it to school on time every day.

You wake up late, your parents' car has a flat tire, you get sick, etc.


What are some signs that tell you that someone is confident?

They stand up tall, they stick up for themselves and others, they make direct eye contact, and they calmly and assuredly.


What would an aggressive response to this scenario be: Marco asks if you want to play basketball with him but you'd rather play football instead.

What's wrong with you, why would you even want to play that etc.


What are some ways to solve a conflict or make a conflict better?

Listen to both sides, compromise, use calming strategies, speak and act respectfully


What are 2 strengths that you look for in someone you want to be your friend?

kind, funny, talkative, creative, etc.


Name 3 action steps that are necessary to complete this goal: I won't get in any fights for a month.

Tell a teacher if there's a conflict, walk away if someone tries to fight you, be kind, use a calming strategy if you get upset.

What makes you feel good about yourself?

Answers will vary.  Maybe being kind to others, being funny, playing sports, listening to music.

Kayla doesn't want to be on the dance team but her friends keep pressuring her to join.  She says yes even though she'd rather stay home and read.  Is this a passive, assertive or aggressive response?



True or false: conflict can be positive

True, conflict, if worked through respectfully and productively can create change and can allow people to feel heard.


Why is knowing your strengths important?

It means you know what you're naturally good at, have a positive sense of self and means that you can take what you know about what you're already good at to improve areas that don't come as naturally to you.


Why is setting goals important?

It gives you purpose, direction and something to achieve.  It keeps you striving and accountable to be your best.


Why is it important for a young man to have high self-esteem?

Self-confident boys tend to be more positive, they stand up for others because they believe they have the power to make changes in their world and they tend to be more successful in school, friendships and work and happier overall because they feel good about themselves.


Why is communication important?

Knowing how to communicate clearly is key to resolving conflict calmly, getting your point across persuasively and getting your wants and needs met. Good communication is the foundation of healthy and successful relationships.


Why are conflict resolution skills important?

Learning conflict resolution skills means that you are learning to solve problems peacefully without fighting.  It means that you get your needs met and your point across, you act in your character, you stay out of trouble, and you learn how to respect yourself and others.  All of this keeps you safe from violence and makes you feel good about yourself.
