Young Life Philosophy
Young Life Programs
What Young Life Is
What Young Life Isn't
How You Can Help

____________ is the free gift of God.  It cannot be earned, it is received by Faith in Jesus.

What is salvation?


A party with a purpose.  All are welcome to attend.

What is Club?


Young Life is all about ____ and ____ is ALL we are about.

Who is Jesus?


Young Life is All about Jesus and Jesus is all we are about.  Therefore Young Life is not going to introduce youth to __________ faiths or religions.

What is Other?

The first and most important thing any of us can do to support Young Life and our mission to connect every young person with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What is Pray?


Our Mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them _____________.

What is Grow in their Faith?


A weekly smaller group gathering intended to help youth go deeper in their faith.

What is Campaigners?


Young Life is Ecumenical meaning it embraces followers of Jesus from _______ Christian denominations and traditions.

What is all?


Young Life has intentionally chosen ________ to take hard stances on topics that are not central to salvation and the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Topics such as baptism and the gifts of the spirit are examples.

What is Not?


If you are bringing youth to a Young Life activity and helping to supervise,  Steve and BoLynda would very much like you to _______________ in the activities.

What is participate, or engage?


Jesus said, "I am the _______, the ______, and the _____.  Nobody comes to the Father except through me.

What is the WAY, Truth, Life


Entering a youth's world. Taking time to get to know each individual.  Being seen.  The Foundation of Young Life's programming.

What is Contact Work?

Young Life desires to share the Gospel with Youth.  The Gospel can also be referred to as, "The _________ news of Jesus Christ.  

What is Good?


Young Life does not use ________ of hell or punishment to coerce young people into putting their faith in Christ.     

What is Fear


This event is being planned for Saturday, August 24th.

What is the Rawhide Summer Olympic Games?


Jesus' ________, _________, and ___________ is the only thing that makes reconciliation with God possible.

What is Life, Death and Resurrection. 


A weeklong summer program pitched as, "the best week of your life."  BoLynda and Steve may regret taking youth next summer.

What is Camp?


Young Life _______ is the name of the Young Life ministry specifically designed to reach marginalized youth, in foster care, incarceration centers, or in out of home care.

What is One?


Young Life Activities are available to all youth and all youth are invited to attend.  Youth should be encouraged to attend but not ________________.

What is forced?


Being aware of what topics are being discussed and looking for ways to remind youth of those topics is a way to do this.

What is reinforce the message?


We invite youth to personally respond to the Good News of Jesus and walk in friendship with them regardless of their __________.

What is response?

Young Life's approach in reaching teens models God's approach in reaching us.  God became flesh. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.

What is Incarnational?


Steve and BoLynda desire to minister to the needs of the youth and ____________ on campus.

What is staff?


Young Life's approach accepts all people where they are at and is not ____________ of their beliefs.

What is judgmental?


If a youth is unsure if they want to attend a Young Life activity, staff should do this.

What is encourage the youth to attend?
