Rooks and bishops are part of this game
The name of the most recent head of Gryffindor?
Minerva McGonagall
How many "lives" do cats have?
What is a Labordoodle a mix of?
Labordor Retriever and Poodle
This video game is named after a popular catch phrase encouraging people to enlist in the military
Call of Duty
In what movie does the song, "A Girl Worth Fighting For" appear in?
This animal is known for its white fur, but actually has black skin underneath.
Polar Bear
Who sings "Can't Stop the Feeling"?
Justin Timberlake
This game centers on an interstellar war between humanity and a theocratic alliance of aliens known as the Covenant.
What is the name of the girl Peter Pan befriends?
What animal has 4 stomachs?
What is the oldest ancient wonder of the world and where is it located?
The Great Pyramid of Giza, located in Egypt
In this classic video game, a yellow dot wonders through a maze eating smaller dots while trying to stay away from ghosts.
Pac Man
Pheobe, Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, and _____.
What animal was the Disney Character, Ray?
Lightning Bug / Flirefly
What is the closest planet to the sun?
In what year was Fortnite released?
The PowerPuff girls are from what Tv Channel?
Cartoon Network
This birds eye is actually bigger than its brain.
Who sang with Ed Sheeran on the duet song “Perfect”?
The word "Pokémon" is generally understood to be a translation of which phrase?
Top money making movie on opening weekend?
Avengers: EndGame
What large land animal kills the most humans every year?
Name all of the colours in a rainbow
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
In what popular board game do you buy and sell property?
What movie is Gus the mouse in?
Lions, Tigers and ______, oh my!
How many seconds are in an hour?
This 2016 movie was named after a popular mobile game involving upset fowl
Angry Birds
TV Show host who was killed by a stingray?
There are three animals that use echolocation to travel, name 2 of them.
Bats, whales or dolphins
Name 4 of the 7 Dwarfs.
Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Happy,Bashful, Sneezy and Sleepy
Which game utilizes sixteen dice in a 4×4 grid?
What actor plays Captain America?
What is the most numerous insect in the world?
Where were french fries actually invented?
How many wedges do you need to win Trivial Pursuit?
What is the name of the baboon from the Lion King?
What sea creatures heart is actually located in its head?
What nut is actually a fruit?