Active vocabulary
Gramma rules
Films and cartoons
A secret

Translate: новости, мультфильм, в горах, спортивная передача, собирать грибы

the news, cartoon, in the mountains, a sport programme, pick mushrooms.


Read the sentences correctly: 1. Ilikedtowalkwithmyfriends.

2. Ihelpedmymomathomeeveryday.

1. I liked to walk with my friends.

2. I helped my mom at home every day.


Watch a video and tell what kind of film is it?

An adventure film


What is the capital of Great Britain?

London is the capital of Great Britain


Put words into 2 columns(the noun and the verb): pick berries, summer camp, an action film, to play on the see-saw, to go to the river, a fantasy film, a detective film, to go for a swim.

the noun: summer camp, an action film,  a fantasy film, a detective film.
the verb: pick berries, to play on the see-saw, to go to the river, to go for a swim


Make the sentence: 

1. were/at/We/cinema/the/ yesterday.

2. you/go/did/school/to?

1. We were at the cinema yesterday.

2. Did you go to school?


What kind of genre is it?

1) a story in which there is a lot of action and fights(действия и драки)

2) a story about love

3) a story in which a detective solves a crime (раскрывает преступление)

1) An action film

2) A romantic film

3) A detective story


What is this song?

Happy Birthday


Correct the mistakes: 1. To go to the  laike. 2. A ditectiv filme. 3. A sience fiktion film. 4. To play at the slaid,

1. To go to the  lake. 2. A detective film. 3. A science fiction film. 4. To play on the slide.


Fill the gapes the verb "to be" in Past Simple: 

1. We ____ good students.

2. He ____ a driver

3. I ____ a doctor

1. We we good students.

2. He was a driver

3. I was a doctor


In which film do we have this hero?

In "Harry Potter"


Who is it?

The Queen Elizabeth ll 


Put the letters in the correct order: 1. a aifry elat (сказка), 2. in eth ounmitans(в горах) 3.a  cudotarymen(документальный фильм) 4. go ot eht ivrer(ходить на речку) 5. an tionac imlf (боевик)

1. a fairy tale. 2. on the mountains. 3. a documentary. 4. go to the river. 5. an action film.


What time is it?

1) 8.20

2) 7.45

3) 6.30

4) 11.40

5) 10.15

1) twenty past eight

2) quater to seven

3) half past six

4) forty to eleven

5) quater past ten


What is the name of this girl?



Where you were in summer? What did you do there? 

Example: I was in summer camp. I played football ...


Translate: 1. Я ходил на речку. 2. Они покатались на качелях. 3. Она не ходила на пикник 4. Мультфильм был в 8.30. 5. Он был дома.

1. I went to the river. 2. They played on the swing. 3. She didn't go for a picnic.  4. The cartoon was at half past eight.  5. He was at home.



1.  Я часто смотрю новости.

2. Он был в деревне.

3. Она смотрела комедию сказку в 9.20. 

4. Ты ходит на озеро?

5. Что ты сделал?

1. I often watch the news. 

2. He was in the country.

3. She watched the comedy at twenty past nine.

4. Did you go to the lake?

5. What did you do?


What cartoon is it?



Look at the clocks and tell the time

1. it's quater to six

2. it's twenty five past seven

3. it's half past nine

4. it's twelve o'clock

5. it's fifty to seven
