Complete the phrase "Adam fell that men might be; ______"
and men are, that they might have joy
How many separate personages are in the Godhead?
Who slew Goliath?
Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
At a wedding
Who were the three witnesses?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris
On which continent did Christ visit the Nephites?
The Americas
What are the three degrees of glory?
Celestial, terrestrial, telestal
Who committed the first murder?
What river was Jesus baptised in?
How and where did Joseph Smith die?
He was shot by an armed mob in Carthage jail
Name the first four books in the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Jacob, Enos
Complete the phrase, "Remember the worth of souls is _______"
What was the name of the city whose walls came tumbling down at the sound of a loud shout given by Joshua and the Israelite armies?
Who was the first person to be resurrected?
Who baptised Joseph Smith?
Oliver Cowdery
What was the name of Laban's servant that went into the wilderness with Lehi's family?
Complete the phrase, "As _____ is God once was; as _____ is man may become"
As God is man may become
Name the fifth book in the Old testament
Who was Jesus speaking of when he said, "Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater"?
John the Baptist
What did the Lord send to answer the prayers to stop the crickets from destroying the pioneers crops in Utah?
What group of people mentioned in the Book of Mormon migrated to the Americas about the same time as Lehi and his group?
Mulekites or people of Zarahemla
How many sections are there in the Docterine and Covenants?
How long did Jeremiah prophesy that Israel would be in captivity to the babylonians?
70 years
Where was the Last supper held?
Name the brother of Joseph Smith who was appointed to be a patriarch to the Church
Hyrum Smith