When you feel sad, what can you do to feel better?
Talk to someone.
Go outside.
Do something fun.
What is Self-Control?
It is the ability to control our FEELINGS, VOICE and BODY.
If someone yells at you, you should yell back at them.
This will only make it worse.
Give an example of what you can say to yourself to feel better?
I can do this!
I will keep trying!
I can ask for help.
It will be okay.
When you feel nervous, what can you do to feel better?
Take a deep breath.
Find something cool to look at.
Do something fun.
Why do we sometimes act out of control?
We're bored.
To get attention from others....Make them laugh.
To have the last word.
If someone is rude to you, you should respond in a calm voice.
This will likely help them calm down.
Give an example of something you can do at school to make yourself feel better.
Take a deep breath.
Look around for something cool to look at in the room.
Picture something fun.
When you feel tired or bored, what can you do to feel better?
Move your body.
Play with someone.
Build something.
Draw or color.
How can you calm your body down?
Take a deep breath.
Slow down.
Before you react to something that upsets you, you should STOP - THINK - ACT.
STOP - Take a step backwards.
THINK - Take a deep breath.
ACT - Decide the best action.
Give an example of what you can do instead of yelling at a friend.
Talk to them calmly.
Walk away.
Find a Win/Win compromise.
Ask an adult for help.
Why is it important to manage our feelings?
We will feel better.
We will make better choices.
We will get along better with others.
How can you have a quiet voice?
Remember consequences for calling out.
Take a deep breath.
Put your hand over your mouth.
Think about what others will think of you.
It is okay to be angry, frustrated, or annoyed. It is what we do with that feeling that counts.
There are both positive and negative ways to react. Know the difference and use the positive one.
Give an example of what you can do to get the job done.
Take your time.
Slow down.
When you are angry at someone, what can you do?
Calmly talk to them.
Walk away & deal with it later.
Talk to a trusted adult.
Why is Self-Control important?
It helps us get along with others.
It keeps us out of trouble.
We get respect from others.
If someone acts out of control, you should join in and laugh along.
It only encourages them. It is better to ignore and walk away.
Give an example of a coping skill you can use at home.
Play a game.
Go for a walk.
Watch a movie.
Talk to family/friends.