The proportion of the F2 in a dihybrid cross that will have the same genotype as the F1.
What is 1/4
Someone’s genetic composition for a particular trait
What is a genotype.
Genetically this means to be pure breeding.
What is homozygous
In gel electrophoresis, DNA travels towards this electrode.
What is positive (every phosphodiester bond has a negative charge)?
The stage in meiosis when homologs segregate.
What is Anaphase I?
The proportion of the F2 from a dihybrid cross that is dominant for both traits, that will breed true.
What is 1/9? (1/3 homozygous for one gene and 1/3”)
The phenotype that appears in the F1 is called _______
What is dominant?
The mode of inheritance when normal parents have affected sons and daughters .
What is autosomal recessive?
ddNTPs and a single primer are 2 ways that these two reactions differ from each other.
What are Sequencing and PCR
A chromosome with arms of equal length.
What is metacentric
This proportion of the gametes from a trihybrid will be dominant for 2 genes and recessive for 1.
What is 3/8?
23 = 8 possibilities of those 8, three give you the desired outcome. The rest give you 3 dominant, 3 recessive and three combos of 2 recessive 1 dominant.
The probability that a normal individual with normal parents and an affected sister is a carrier.
What is 2/3?
2 words for how a dihybrid cross can result in a 9-3-4 ratio.
What is recessive epistasis?
In PCR, if you only start with one strand of template, after 10 cycles, you will have this many.
What is (210 or 45 work = 1024, or 128 if not counting til cycle 3 for actual desired product)?
One of these contains one double strand -DNA molecule, the other contains two identical double strand -DNA- molecules that are joined at their centromere.
What is a chromatid and an un-replicated chromosome?
Achondroplastic dwarfism is caused by an allele that has dominant morphological effects and is a recessive lethal. The probability of 2 dwarfs having 1 normal and 1 dwarf child.
What is 4/9?
In humans with 23 pairs of chromosomes, if crossing over occurs only once, the number of genetically different zygotes possible.
What is (423)2 or 4,951,760,200,000,000,000,000,000,000
This is an example of__ and the phenotypes and their proportions yielded from a heterozygous cross are ______
What a recessive lethal trait 1/3 normal, and 2/3 munchkin (MM is lethal).
The biggest advantage to doing iPCR versus long PCR for the Xq28 inversion experiment
What are shorter products, which PCR favors (and can multiplex the reaction for more control)?
What is purines =pyrimidines, A=T, G=C or A+G=T+C?