Another word for keeping your body clean
What is Hygiene
Name five emotions
Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, stress, hurt, joy, love, or any others
If you are talking to someone, what is the other part of communication?
What is listening
To be healthy you should do what?
Eat healthy and exercise
To prevent illness in the body, you need this checkup.
What is a medical check-up or a physical
The name of a skill that helps you calm down
What is coping skill
In class, if you want to be heard, you should do this
Raise your hand
What are the 5 food groups?
Protein, dairy, grains, fruits, veggies
Frustrated, overwhelmed, upset, stressed can all appear to look like what other emotion?
what is anger
For some people, having a lot of these, __________, is good for your social health
About how many minutes should you exercise daily?
What activity helps reduce risk of issues such as: high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, diabetes.
Someone's race, religion, gender, orientation, and disability are a part of their what?
What is identity.
What is it called, when you close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing
What can someone do instead of picking their skin or hair?
what is use a fidget.
If someone is trying to peer pressure you into doing something you do not want to, what can you do.
Say no
Walk away
What is it called when someone does something quickly without thinking too much about it?
What is impulsive.